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Everything posted by Fatal

  1. -Forum Actions -General Settings -Scroll down -Miscellaneous Options -Choose Skin Helps if you have trouble seeing some visual's and overall functionality of the site.
  2. Nice share!
  3. When you get the time open it up with these sub-forums -GFX Section- - GFX Talk GFX Contests GFX Showoff GFX Tutorials GFX Resources GFX help GFX Requests Thank you
  4. like when you click private messages or new posts. the drop down menu's. the text inside them is horrible.... -edit- Thanks for the workaround.
  5. Ugh- Cant edit posts, Stalls out and never loads... Might want to look into that as well.. Anyways, what i wanted to edit was to add that the almost invisible text on the Dropdown menu's is absolutly annoying.
  6. Well if its a MOD/Plugin check the settings for it in your MOD db should be easily fixxed from there, if its in the code itself you might have to edit that. Also, this "skin" ("Theme) is messing with your game guardian banner in the top left.
  7. Fatal


    As soon as everything gets in its place I will be the leader of the Graphics Team, designing new site layouts, banners, signatures for people, stuff like that.
  8. Angry Birds- Ninja Edition?
  9. Omg, why so big text!!!?!?!?
  10. haven't tested yet with GG but I know if you try with GCIH it just restarts app or the money value starts dropping. I'll have to try it with GG
  11. This is what i do Nice share
  12. Thanks! And is it a MOD you added to the forum base or is it something that just came with the site?
  13. Get them Server sided hacks out bro.... I wanna be rich as hell in Dark Legends
  14. Fatal


    , Well I'm not particularly here for cheating so I can't really help you
  15. Fatal

    Whats up!?

    Haha, thanks P.S. I got you an achievment
  16. Think i might have put this in the wrong section Sawwy
  17. Fatal


    Welcome Caba, Just jump right in and start posting them bro
  18. The little arrows that allow you to utilize which forums you specifically want to see (Minimize). It needs to be moved either outside of the box on either side (I would prefer the Left) instead of inside the box cause it covers the name on most of the section titles.
  19. Looking pretty good guys. Cant wait to get some theme work done on this hoe ><
  20. Hey everyone, Fatal here, time to GFX this bia up!
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