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Fatal last won the day on May 7 2012

Fatal had the most liked content!


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  • Android
    5.1.x (Lollipop)
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    Nexus 6
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  1. I personally feel Paypal is the best option for any online payments, So I would feel more comfortable with it as an option for sure!
  2. Download this theme, Change Background.JPG (.PNG or whatever format its in) Re-upload. Enjoy.
  3. Cool logo but purple doesnt quite fit with blue and yellow...

    1. Enrique7


      all is awesome but the black backgroung is not good

  4. \ yeah I know, thats what I meant, if you had made it im sure it wouldnt still say "Genesis" in the header
  5. Those are some pretty **** sexxy rankbars energizer, gratz!
  6. new theme looks pretty dope dyno, not much need to ask if you made it or not but still cool none the less.
  7. i made a request for this on CIH too, if i get any hits over there i will post. although i wish i had looked for a cracked apk... lawls oh well, so far its worth the .99 cents.
  8. customized profiles FTW!

  9. Alright, I'm fine with that.
  10. Make sure you didnt hide it, its at the very bottom of the page. should be at the top imo. nvm i lied, i cant see it either..
  11. Welcome Mike! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  12. I think we (Mod's-Admins) should be able to have the option to infractions to a users account for off topic /thread jacking/ because I believe these are serious problems for some forums *cough* GCIH *cough* and they should not be taken lightly, it puts more work on the mod's/admin's and can be a serious problem if not addressed promptly
  13. Fatal

    Whats up!?

    Kind of the wrong section but you can get it here : http://gameguardian.net/vbdownloads.php?do=listings&catid=2 or from the play store : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=idv.aqua.bulldog&feature=nav_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDMsImlkdi5hcXVhLmJ1bGxkb2ciXQ..
  14. Thanks
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