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Jason Jones

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    Motorola Moto G7

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  1. Is there a way to hack the app "Pianista" from the play store that would allow me to modify my gold balance "

    1. 3113


      I just saw this but I will look into it for you ASAP ?

    2. Jason Jones

      Jason Jones

      Thank you so much for looking in to it for me. 😃Hopefully there is way. 

  2. Name of App: Pianista I am currently a rather novice developer and I'm trying to hack this app. It is mostly an online game and I have been able to change the in-game money(gold). But after the first purchase with that "generated currency" lol, a native game dialog shows up saying "Network Unstable" and then gives me the options to restart. Can this game be hacked, more specifically, a gold hack? Or are my attempts futile? Can anyone help me? Thank yopu in advance
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