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Everything posted by Newbi
He'll prob set some rules and have mods make sure they're followed. If there's someone to ban people that don't follow the rules the server should be normal. For language he can just set English as main language and add some channels for other languages so non english speakers can share their thoughts. But adding too many languages isn't that good so maybe he should make some survey on the discord server or GG forum to see what kind of languages GG user are speaking.
maybe you can use role for beginer user and advanced user and open some channel only for advanced user so they can discuss about a certain game or more advanced question ? and for the beginner channel well if someone feels like it might redirect the guy with some GG forum link since lots of thing are already explained on this forum.
strangely enough i can't do it with the group search also my range is Anonymous and not Ca but since he gave the value you can search 3,158,065 in known Dword and if there's not that many result (shouldn't be that many under 20 for me) just edit them all to 3,160,365 and it'll be all the same.
Nvm I didn't play the game so when I edited values the first encrypted value was always = 0 and that's why I could have a precise number. But I noticed that if the 1st encrypted value isn't equals to 0 the second one gets affected too
I did 20;10000 but it was a lucky find so not a reliable way.
yeah the item price is not encrypted Dword
every time you start the game, the 2nd encrypted value is always 0(diamond);5(holy);3600(gold) encrypted with Xor, so just Xor 0 or 5 or 3600 with the encrypted value and you'll get the Xor key. Then after that just enter the value you want to add and encrypt it with the xor key. Btw @Rastakiwi I remembered that I had a corrupted save when I only edited the diamonds to a small value but maybe I was wrong and I abused it with a huge value unconsciously ? XD
It doesn't seems to work for me xD I only tried it 5 times tho, But did you try to restart your phone ? Because at first I thought I found a way to get to the currencies fast but after I restarted my phone the values changed and I had to fuzzy search again to find the values. Btw the way I did it was : I first find item in byte so I can sell as many as I want to find gold encrypted value with fuzzy search. Once I find the gold encrypted value I change the second encrypted value(the one bellow) for gold and holy water(need to buy holy water once for it to save) because it's Xor encryption so we can have a precise amount. But for diamonds I copied the float of the second encrypted value and pasted it on the first encrypted value, that's why I don't understand why it worked xD. Here's a screen of what I did, the value in 48EA6740 and 48EA6744 are the diamonds encrypted values. I don't really get it but don't worry I'm not even playing this game. I just wanted to hack it and that's it.
i'm not sure tho but i think once i edited it to something under 10k and bought some holy water and the save still got corrupted
@Rastakiwi is it really just to have a value under 100k diamonds for the save to not get corrupted ? @1stNigerian did you try closing the game and opening it again ?
@1stNigerian Do you really want hints to find the values yourself or would you rather just recieve a guide with a clear set of instructions ? If you want to challenge it yourself i feel like you need to learn some more stuff before you might be able to hack it idk. and if you want a guide then just ask NoFear if he doesn't mind other people sharing how they hacked this game, if he doesn't mind then i'll just share how i did it or how to do it.
@1stNigerian you know it's possible to hack it with shop but it doesn't mean you have to hack it that way. How did you even get gold in the first place ?
@1stNigerian lol read what Rastakiwi posted, you got a huge hint there or you can try to do the way NoFear did but isn't "I didn't edit directly. I was editing prices in shop to pay me." already a big hint in itself ? btw i found out there was a guide for this game with other hacks on a russian site they're also using GG so if you're interested look it up i guess but the guide is kinda useless if you just want to hack the game and not play the game imo
Was that 9999 in the screenshot above the thing you referred as medals ? If it was then you don't really have to find the value itself you can just put the price in negative.
Yeah but it's only useful for quest rewards
Btw I was able to edit the diamonds/ money and holy thing directly that's why I didn't understand why it worked for diamond this time.
If you're talking about how I got the diamonds in my inventory then I got those with the quest rewards. Btw I think you got the wrong idea with utf-8 :x I tried looking for some String at first too but there's no useful value to find in my case it was just display so I think NoFear means a byte when he says utf-8 since one character is contained in a byte. Well in the end idk but String seems useless to me. _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later 10,000 10,014 21,018 Are some interesting values for this.
Btw don't put a too high value !! I can't log into my save anymore. I don't know which value does that so just to be safe stay don't abuse anything too much yet.
You can find these values with xor. The xor keys are 4 bytes away from the encrypted value and the key needed for the values I changed on my screenshot is 444,444. Since you're new I'll leave these screenshots and instructions so you know how to use a xor key known search Dword click on the arrow inside the white circle next to the entered values and select "XOR ... = ???" enter the xor key search encrypted value
What do you mean by force close ? In my case it doesn't but if I leave it like that it'll corrupt my save.
I was able to hack diamonds but idk why it worked :x since I succeeded I moved onto weapon stats... and what I found was even more stuff I need to figure out have been added to the list ? well it's good when it's not too easy nor too hard I guess good time killer xD Btw @alliver15 where are you at with stats ? I can only find 2 stats for now and they're only temporary change too. Also @NoFear in your screenshots of hacked weapon did it the stats stay permanent on the weapon stat ? And did it already have that many different stat or did you add some stats yourself ? Ty for the hints(didn't understand much tho :x) and help you gave btw.
I said the thing above to try and get some more hints from NoFear xD but seems like it didn't work lol And btw the security of the game isn't as great as what you mentioned because if they could do that you'd be banned as soon as you've changed the currencies value. From what I've found out the security is more on the diamond side. My hypothesis is that there's a value like earned diamond and it acts as a verification, if your owned diamond is higher than the earned diamond during the log in then your save is deemed as corrupted else it's a normal save. Anyway gold and holy thing aren't related to the corruption of the save(at least the way I did it isn't) and hacked diamonds can be used but at the end you need to have less diamond than your earned diamond value, so diamonds are like temporary currency that you need to hack every time you log in. Btw @alliver15 are you still trying to hack that game or did you give up ?