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  1. Does anyone have a mod for the game fishing master? It’s a really fun game but unless you’re paying real cash it’s not ask that easy to progress.
  2. Wow I think they might be right because after first posting this I still can't hack this darn game. Sucks because it's fun but very costly to enjoy.
  3. Has anyone been able to hack pop slots casino? I've been able to locate chips amount but when I change the value it just goes right back to what it originally was.
  4. Wow i know where i went wrong. I set my objects value very high. Thats when it happened but not until the next day. I guess the only thing i can really do is start a whole new game lol ty again
  5. @Rastakiwi@Rastakiwidid it! Lol still learning the gg lingo though. Tried this on my phone which isn't rooted and it works. Still trying to learn values ect... But ty your a true helper. TC @Rastakiwi. Do you know what could be causing my toom blast game to not go past stage 1 in the champion stage? It was fine yesterday I was on stage 352, my phone cut itself off when it came back on I was at stage 1 and no matter how many times I play it won't go past stage 1 in stats but I can see the stages change but they don't when I look at stats against others playing. Lol I was wondering if someone hacked me by chance lol
  6. @Rastakiwi I did it! Lol still learning the gg lingo though. Tried this on my phone which isn't rooted and it works. Still trying to learn values ect... But ty your a true helper. TC
  7. Ty sooooooo very much that was very helpful! Lol yes I tried searching 150 came up with lots of results. Lol. You've helped me so much. Hopefully I'll be able to really understand all the gg talk lol. But I'm sure in time I will. Ty again for your help. ?
  8. Ok I made a whole new toom blast just for testing. I did get the disco ball to work after a lot of tries. Now trying the bomb ext.. Ex. Bomb cost 150 so I'd input 3;150 instead of 3;200 correct? BC the ball was 200.But the game crashes. I was so happy thinking I had it. ??
  9. Hi I'm new to GG, trying to follow your video. Every time I get to the first part the disco ball amount doesn't change from 200 to 362. I'm giving myself a headache as to what I'm doing wrong. My device is rooted. Also tried using lucky patcher but doesn't hack toon blast. I'd be so ever grateful for any help giving.?
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