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    Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra
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  1. Awaiting your results
  2. Luckypatcher works
  3. Really need some kind of hax to boost damage or something
  4. Thanks a lot for this
  5. Can we get an update for this script. Gold is impossible to hack
  6. When you tamper with the % they basically put u at lvl 1 permanently
  7. Dude just increment like 10000 so u would see the increments
  8. Not sure how to use the "free craft" and the "free speed up & add 255 gold"
  9. How to hack the achievements though?
  10. When you go on donating to someone you change the digit of the orbs you have placed for donations for example you have 6 orbs, you placed 3 for donating, search for 3, then chnage the amount to 4 or 3 search for the new amount you placed, do until there is 2 left, change both to the amount of orbs u want then close off the tab to collect all of them.
  11. OK EXP hack I go works with the book of experience. From the Gladiator status goto the inventory where you can use a potion and stuff like that and look at the book of experience's exp amount, search it with float Change all the digits then check and there, it's changed Now use it on any hero. I suggest changing back the values back to what they were...idk what it can change if u leave it like that
  12. I'm trying to see if i can get a hold of like 3 or 2 different book of experience for example 400 and 500 exp giver then type both and see if i get the 500 one changed _______________________________________________ added 4 minutes later BTW i got the orb hacked aswell
  13. Does this still work?
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