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    Orion Nano-9000 ZX
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  1. Did you mean "repacking" apk instead of "recompiling" apk? coz apk is just a .zip package to make app distribution easier. Have you try to repack it with apktool? I usually can unpack-repack some apps with this tool without problem (most of the time anyway); although you can actually open an apk file with any .zip unpacker program. Sent from my Orion3000-X5.7½
  2. Yeah, usually we can easily hack some games from this gamedev by editing the variable in *.plist file (they're all stored in root). However, I can't find any *.plist file in this game, or at least I suspect a file named ".GNUstepDefaults" might contain some clues, but it looks encrypted.
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