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Everything posted by Puredevill

  1. Thanks for this.
  2. I had a problem on my old samsung galaxy ace, the app would go to open and then the phone would crash, works fine on my galaxy note 2.
  3. Cant you do that via pc?
  4. Theres a app out that does root phones but you cant use 100% of the benefits of having a rooted phone.
  5. Only keep freedom open and running when need be. If you're not gaming then i advise to stop the app to preserve data and also contain battery life.
  6. Hello i just found out about Game Guardian joined yesterday. Hope to meet some nice people on this forums!
  7. Ah okay i knew it was server based, but isnt glu server based?
  8. http://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/185-glu-coins-hacker-no-root-990m/ Just used it, worked like a charm, follow instructions.
  9. Name of Game: Mobage games Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): N/A Version if you know it: N/A What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: Coin hack Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: Yes tried hacking with Freedom, server based. Comments: Glu coin hack is working, so dont see why a mobage coin hack wouldnt work
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