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File Comments posted by CmP

  1. On 2/8/2023 at 5:06 PM, Impulse21 said:

    Why does it say nil value

    GG was unable to get information about selected process, that's why nil is returned by "getTargetInfo" function.

    The following isn't a proper fix of the issue, but it may allow you to try the script. Insert the following code after second line of script's code: 

    if info == nil then
      info = {packageName = "unknown", x64 = false}

    This will cause the script to work as if process has been identified as 32-bit. To force identification as 64-bit, correspondingly, "x64 = true" should be used.

    damage hack

       10,032    4

    Why would you upload log of the calls to GG API functions without extracting useful code from it?

    Currently uploaded file is extremely redundant. Around 7500 lines containing "gg.getFile()" and only around 20 lines of actual code.

    Actual code from the file:

    gg.choice({ -- table(8ad8f19)
    	[1] = '[RADAR/DAMAGE 100%] [[📂]]',
    --[[ return: 1 ]]
    gg.searchNumber("523533590", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
    gg.editAll("523533593", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
    gg.searchNumber("33816606;880608002::", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
    gg.searchNumber("880608002", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
    gg.editAll("880613695", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
    gg.toast("Cheat Berhasil")
    gg.alert(" Subscribe Xochi Gaming ")
    --[[ return: 1 ]]
    gg.choice({ -- table(54e300b)
    	[4] = 'EXIT',
    --[[ return: 4 ]]


    But even this code contains some redundancy, i.e. the calls to "gg.getFile" and "debug.traceback" functions.

    GG Chatroom

       2,586    12

    Apply same check to the password as you did with username.

            for i=1,WhiteListWord:len() do
            if tmp~="" then
              Warnings=Warnings.."\nX Bad Username.\nOnly letters, numbers and underline can be accepted."

    User can (intentionally or not) input some characters that will break the list of parameters of the request.

  2. 4 minutes ago, TopGEOYT said:

    I don't know what u want to do using it.

    Counter-question: what do you want to achieve by uploading a script with highly-redundant encryption (28 kb), when it's source code is less than 1 kb? What is the purpose of "encryption" that can't stop anyone from obtaining the source code?

    15 minutes ago, TopGEOYT said:

    I could that made undecryptable encryption on this script using mx compiler

    Have not you learned that there can not be "undecryptable encryption" for GG script yet? This was discussed so many times here, but you still believe in fairy tales.

    Last but not least, do you realize that this script is useless? Why reinvent the bicycle? The only possible value for this script would be it being an example for newbies to learn something, but for this it had to be posted as source code.

  3. If it is "nothing special", then why "encrypt" the file? No reason to hide the source code in this case, IMO.

    Source code:

    local configFile = gg.EXT_CACHE_DIR .. "/" .. gg.getFile():match("[^/]+$") .. ".cfg"
    local data = loadfile(configFile)
    if data ~= nil then
      data = data()
    local last = gg.getFile()
    info = gg.prompt({
      "Select Script To Encrypt:"
    }, data, {"file"})
    if info == nil then
    if info == nil then
    gg.saveVariable(info, configFile)
    local open = io.open
    local read_file = function(path)
      local file = open(path, "rb")
      if not file then
        return nil
      local content = file:read("*a")
      return content
    Text = read_file("" .. info[1] .. "")
    if Text == nil then
      print("The directory or file name is wrong")



       3,732    3
    for _=1, #Menu - 0.5 do
      if _ % 2 == 1 then
        -- ...

    is identical to

    for _ = 1, #Menu - 0.5, 2 do
      -- ...

    but second option is more effective and clear.

  4. You forget to check the value that is returned by your "GetLibraryTextBase" function.

    If the library was not found, function will return nil, which will be assigned to the variable "Base". Then some number is added to the variable, what leads to the error "attempt to perform arithmetic __add on nil and number" in this case.

    Typical user most likely won't understand what happened, so maybe it is better to handle this case appropriately.

  5. On 10/17/2018 at 7:39 AM, TopGEOYT said:

    Huh. I just wrote it bca it is strongest encryption

    Strongest encryption? You are not learning the lesson. Your "encryption" is still weak and you are still calling it the best (strongest).

    Took me 15 minutes to extract the source code from your 284 kb script full of redundant "encryption".
    Here you can find it: ''strongest_encryption''.lua

    Keep learning and stop pretending that bad things are good, then maybe one day you will be able to produce good scripts.

  6. Quote

    But vip needd secret password.

    How can it be secret, if (in case of this script) there are tons of ways to get that password?

    In any case, there always will be 100% possibility of getting your password, if you "protect" the script like this:

    v = gg.prompt({"Password:"}, {""}, {"text"})
      pass = "\225\131\149\225\131\146\225\131\152\225\131\160\225\131\148\225\131\165\225\131\148"
      if v == nil then
        gg.toast("Script Canceled")
        if v[1] ~= pass then
          gg.toast("wrong password")

    However, there is also a good side here - less people will spend their money on scripts like this one. Instead of selling a bunch of ***** code, you would better encourage people to contribute to GG project.

  7. 3 hours ago, imBlind said:

    i dont get it ..? i cant load any cheats you could have said on here thats its $5 for the scriptz so we dont waist time downloading.

    55 minutes ago, Giuseppe19 said:

    Trash, says need to pay $ to a PayPal address. No proof ill get working lua

    No need to pay someone when the script is "protected" like this:

    117  [-]  GETTABUP  12 0 -56  ; 0 null "os"
      118  [-]  GETTABLE  12 12 -57  ; "date"
      119  [-]  LOADK  13 -58  ; "%A"
      120  [-]  CALL  12 2 2
      121  [-]  EQ  1 12 -59  ; - "Wednesday"
      122  [-]  JMP  25  ; to 148
      123  [-]  GETTABUP  12 0 -56  ; 0 null "os"
      124  [-]  GETTABLE  12 12 -57  ; "date"
      125  [-]  LOADK  13 -58  ; "%A"
      126  [-]  CALL  12 2 2
      127  [-]  EQ  1 12 -60  ; - "Thursday"
      128  [-]  JMP  19  ; to 148
      129  [-]  GETTABUP  12 0 -56  ; 0 null "os"
      130  [-]  GETTABLE  12 12 -57  ; "date"
      131  [-]  LOADK  13 -58  ; "%A"
      132  [-]  CALL  12 2 2
      133  [-]  EQ  1 12 -61  ; - "Friday"
      134  [-]  JMP  13  ; to 148
      135  [-]  GETTABUP  12 0 -56  ; 0 null "os"
      136  [-]  GETTABLE  12 12 -57  ; "date"
      137  [-]  LOADK  13 -58  ; "%A"
      138  [-]  CALL  12 2 2
      139  [-]  EQ  1 12 -62  ; - "Monday"
      140  [-]  JMP  7  ; to 148
      141  [-]  GETTABUP  12 0 -56  ; 0 null "os"
      142  [-]  GETTABLE  12 12 -57  ; "date"
      143  [-]  LOADK  13 -58  ; "%A"
      144  [-]  CALL  12 2 2
      145  [-]  EQ  1 12 -63  ; - "Tuesday"
      146  [-]  JMP  1  ; to 148
      147  [-]  LOADBOOL  12 0 1
      148  [-]  LOADBOOL  12 1 0
      149  [-]  EQ  0 12 -64  ; - true
      150  [-]  JMP  2  ; to 153
      151  [-]  GETTABUP  13 0 -43  ; 0 null "start"
      152  [-]  CALL  13 1 1

    You can simply change one letter of each string, that is compared with the value returned by os.date('%A') and voila:

    Script compiler

       24,772    58

    I was really amazed with last 2-3 updates of the script. It really becomes better with each version. Thanks for your hard work.

    Also, it's a bit sad, that those guys, who commented before, does not judge the script by how good is it written. Their criteria is: does the script fully restore *random_script_name* to initial form without any effort from their side? If no, their "feedback" will be: "Enbi/Enby/Ember, FIX IT PLSSS" and that is best possible "contribution" from their side...

    I have one little suggestion to (possibly) improve the script.
    "Log GG calls" and "dump data from load function calls" used to be separate menu items, now they are merged in one item. I can't judge, if it is good or bad decision, but there are cases, when user does not need to get the results from both of this features at the same time (for example, only log of GG calls is required for user).
    Possible solution without changes to current menu of the script is to add sub-menu, which will appear after clicking at last item from current menu and will contain multi-choice from 2 elements: "Dump data from load call", "Log all GG calls". Default selection may consist of both items in this case.

  8. 16 minutes ago, XxhentaixX said:

    I don`t think I have see "searchStringPart" in the GG help.

    GG help is not intended to be complete guide for writing scripts. Only API-related information and some easy examples are there.

    You need to learn and practise Lua language if you want to write advanced scripts.

  9. 1 hour ago, XxhentaixX said:

    I think I had to do a 5k code manual.

    It's very bad way to spend your time and it may lead to mistakes.
    For example, mistake in function test1 in your script (same blocks of code).

    gg.editAll(50, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
    gg.editAll(50, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)



    Here is an example of rewriting function test1 from your script using loops.
    Look how much time and amount of code could be saved.

    local function test1()
      local searchStringPart = '0.000000'
      for i = 7, 3, -1 do
        for j = 1, 9 do
          gg.searchNumber(searchStringPart .. j, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
          gg.editAll(50, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
          gg.editAll(searchStringPart .. j, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
        searchStringPart = searchStringPart:sub(1, i)


    Script compiler

       24,772    58
    16 minutes ago, VINAY143 said:

    Someone added anti script code for the tool so we cannot decrypt anymore.

    Not "we".
    If you can't find workaround, it does not mean that noone can.
    But more likely that you did not even try. Of course it is easier to write a comment and then wait for someone to do everything for you.

    Leaked vip pubg mobile script

       37,083    24
    1 hour ago, SHKOranya said:

    Please help me idont know what it says


    Try to use this version:

    @Enyby can you please replace "cleaned" version of the script from my post above to this one?
    I have not considered that author (whoever he is) developed some very strange non-working "main loop". 

    while(true) do
    for i=1,999 do
    	if MENUEND == 1 then GEND = 1 end
        if gg.isVisible(true) and MN == 4 and MENUEND == 0 then
      if gg.isVisible(true) then
        if GEND==1 then MENUEND=0 and game() end
      if MENUEND==1 then MENU() end


    I refactored it to some working one. Also did a quick test, all menus were accessible.

    UPD: fixed some obvious mistakes, removed even more redundant parts.

    Found one funny "proof" of how good is coding skill of those "pubg script writers" (check the call to gg.editAll function).

    function NGT()
    gg.searchNumber("2;10000", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
    gg.searchNumber("2", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
    gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_FLOAT,FREEZE_NORMAL)
    gg.toast("Трава и деревья убраны!")



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