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  1. I'm on (and have been for a while now) and I'm still not banned. I'm only using this script to bypass.
  2. Yeah, thats nice, but... you haven't released it, so...
  3. Which version of PUBG is this for, 3.2.x or 4.x?
  4. Does this work on global (3.2.x) or CN only (4.x)?
    Overall, this is a big improvement over all other previous LUA scripts I've used thus far. We're getting somewhere! A review of all features in this LUA script by someone who speaks English as their first language: "Angle of view to expand" (FOV hack?): doesn't work, fucks up the aspect ratio of the game and stretches things making it actually more difficult to play "Escape": I have no idea what this does, there isn't any explanation of it anywhere either "Through wall": works fairly well for walking thru doors and windows, however it's more of a hassle to use because you get stuck on things a lot "Antenna": I'm not even going to bother because this was broken before and still is for me. Only affects my own character "Color menu": obnoxious and executed poorly, but I guess it helps you see other players somewhat (and I say that generously) easier "Speed hack 2" (2x speed?) works and isn't as fast as "speed hack 1" but has the same issue after a while - you get stuck and can't move "Lock blood": I have no idea what this does, there isn't any explanation of it anywhere either "Seconds for bombs": I have no idea what this does, there isn't any explanation of it anywhere either; perhaps instant grenades? "Rifle unlimited bullets": this just does not work at all. I can't get it to turn on "No grass": Actually works great. No issues with this feature. "Tree and grass remove": Also works perfectly and actually gives you a pretty big advantage. I use this feature every game now. The only downside is that you cannot see when other players are behind objects so it's kinda a pain at times. Otherwise, definitely useful.
  5. Same for me. Speed hack works for a bit (the 1x one?) but eventually I can't move anymore and I have to kill my game to turn the hack off A review of all features in this LUA script by someone who speaks English as their first language: "Angle of view to expand" (FOV hack?): doesn't work, fucks up the aspect ratio of the game and stretches things making it actually more difficult to play "Escape": I have no idea what this does, there isn't any explanation of it anywhere either "Through wall": works fairly well for walking thru doors and windows, however it's more of a hassle to use because you get stuck on things a lot "Antenna": I'm not even going to bother because this was broken before and still is for me. Only affects my own character "Color menu": obnoxious and executed poorly, but I guess it helps you see other players somewhat (and I say that generously) easier "Speed hack 2" (2x speed?) works and isn't as fast as "speed hack 1" but has the same issue after a while - you get stuck and can't move "Lock blood": I have no idea what this does, there isn't any explanation of it anywhere either "Seconds for bombs": I have no idea what this does, there isn't any explanation of it anywhere either; perhaps instant grenades? "Rifle unlimited bullets": this just does not work at all. I can't get it to turn on "No grass": Actually works great. No issues with this feature. "Tree and grass remove": Also works perfectly and actually gives you a pretty big advantage. I use this feature every game now. The only downside is that you cannot see when other players are behind objects so it's kinda a pain at times. Otherwise, definitely useful.
  6. I'll give this a try today. Thank you!
  7. How do I get to the radar option and what does it do?
    I mean, it works but like... you can't really do shit with it and it doesn't really give you an advantage at all TBH
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