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  1. Showtime I want to enter the team you can ?
  2. it's normal when you use that trick to take several hours to normalize
  3. someone who shares the battle shield hack for private?
  4. I pass it to you, here everyone boasts of their tricks but you are just words, send me private so I'll give it to you I pass it to you, here everyone boasts of their tricks but you are just words, send me private so I'll give it to you
  5. Any active club in war that accepts me ??
  6. who happens to me privately the trick of the shield
  7. like when you laugh because you win by 10 points and in the end you end up losing ...
  8. well deserved, it was entertaining
  9. hahaha alone for 10 points !! _______________________________________________ added 0 minutes later Do you also stop using the energy?
  10. nobody can, he can attack
  11. Does anyone know how to do that trick? impossible to attack but he can attack Untitled Project.mp4
  12. I need 1 player, who joins Malevo pro? _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later I need 1 player, join Malevo pro and I teach you
  13. I am looking for players for war new club, search MALEVO PRO
  14. I followed the steps of the PDF and nothing appears
  15. Would you tell me how to do it?
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