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  1. I think this is one of said cities
  2. We're trying to unlock buildings that were only available for a limited time, and are currently not available. We hope that the numbers are related to the buildings, and that we can find the right ones for the buildings we want.
  3. Unfortunately I ran into the exact same struggle. I could find the numbers but didn't know how to manipulate them. I'm guessing each of the IDs relates to a building but I don't really know how you would find the ID for the building you want and don't have, and then how you would enable it for selection. Another approach I'm thinking of is putting a bunch of buildings into storage and looking for the number of buildings and going from there.
  4. Hey @CaelestiCivitate I don't know if this helps but I've I do yield some results when using these search terms so I'll have a play and see if I can get anything to come of them. I myself would love to get hold of the 'Coral Reef' beach item that was an Earth Day exclusive two or three years ago, so would love to be able to figure out the technique.
  5. I'm also interested in how to effect aspects of war. Namely the following: Upgrading disaster cards Just like you brought up it would be great to find a way to max out the level of certain disasters (looking at you magnetism). Unfortunately I haven't had any luck altering these levels myself either. Getting hold of more war items Farming for disaster items (such as fire hydrants) is incredibly tedious. I wonder if there is a way to get more than one item when repairing a building if it can be hacked in a similar way to XP/Simoleons etc. Effecting energy in some way So either being able to speed up the game in way to enable more attacks, or just to flat out give yourself more attack energy at any given point. I'd love to hear if anyone has any success in any of these areas.
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