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  1. It works with some glu games only like frontline commando 2 & indestructible which are games where i've tested patcher.
  2. I've made this mod but it's not free mod, it's vip mod which must be purchased from me for $10, who's interested about it can contact me through private message.
  3. Because v3.0 is for android 4.0+ only.
  4. Glu credits will reset when you'll play online again since they are server checked.
  5. With this patcher you'll get unlimited glu credits for glu games. What's New: • New Patching Method. • UI Totally Reworked. • Added Multi-Patch's Choice (Select/Apply Patch). • Added "Airplane Mode On/Off" & "Remove Patch" Buttons. • Added Usage Dialog. Usage: WARNING!!! THIS PATCHER WORKS OFFLINE ONLY! 1. Turn On Airplane Mode (Turn off network connection). 2. Apply Patch. 3. Enjoy! For remove glu credits patch use "Remove Patch" button. Download (Credits for the Patcher to Me): http://www74.zippyshare.com/v/84852953/file.html
  6. Si infatti... il tuo inglese fa proprio cagare...
  7. There are three apps for that: Framaroot/Towelroot/Key Root Master, that's all.
  8. You've hacked it to just "999.999.999", me to "2123.456.789" instead (latest version 2.4.0)
  9. I'm a modder and i need help from elite cheaters (possibly) for make mods so who want help me will receive good stuffs
  10. Yes there's, but only few persons know how to use the developer signature and i'm one of them
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