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Posts posted by Jeevan008

  1. 54 minutes ago, Anonymous1000 said:

    What kind of resources do you want?
    where he wants them
    in the mailbox?. or in the chests of the house ?.
    What quantity per object do you want?

    I want to dupe steel plates, bars, tickets these kind of resources. And I want them in the chests of the house or in inventory. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, Krakken said:

    Save game:

    Password: gameguardian


    There's no gunbench, acid bath complete with items but not finalized until they fix it. All the loot from bunker floor 2 is in the chests except the laser scope AK. I'll work a bit on the base design later but here's for fixes.

    Don't spawn the acid tub. 

    I able to finalize gunbench. And it works fine for me. But for acid bath after hacking i tried to finalize it but it gets disappeared 

  3. 12 minutes ago, Saxyanimal said:

    i manage to craft the gunbench and chopper and saved. works. but after putting everything in place for the acid bath, can't finalize. any thoughts?

    added 4 minutes later

    The acid bath disappeared

    Same about me also. Acid bath disappeared. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, hero007 said:

    i'ev problem bro i complete it but i can't use that bath same as atv is it in the game or just for shocase

    Same here. I completed it but can't use it. I can't even see it on the map. It's like it vanished. Don't know where it gone

  5. 9 minutes ago, DemiGod666 said:


    9 minutes ago, DemiGod666 said:


    added 3 minutes later
    4 minutes ago, Jeevan008 said:

    Refer the video of assembling chopper with group search to know the positions of the supply. When you group searched it you will get 4 values. 

    Then goto address of first value. Then edit it with the same procedure as of chopper


  6. 2 minutes ago, hero007 said:

    anyone know how to complete acid bath tub with GG

    like we did in chopper (groop serch value)

    i did but no idea i can't find value like we saw in chopper making

    anyone find just reply


    Same procedure buddy. Just track the values sequence correctly 

  7. 5 minutes ago, HackSaw said:

    why not worked for ATV ?


    It must be because of the game is still in beta version.The game still don't support the whole map as well. I searched it on google. Almost everyone got the same problem with this thing.Wait till next update. Hope it will be fixed in next update. 

  8. 52 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

    @kimchanjun it worked !! . Thanks. I found a way to hack dmg like the russian guy's clip but it won't save for me haha. unequip your weapon. Search 100~1000;6::5 then edit all (tick add, not replace) to 999 or anything like that. Equip a weapon then unequip again. I oneshot the big one by my fist haha.


    Notice: The game wont save any progress after you hack. So this is just for fun until someone can figure out how to bypass that anti-GG. Sorry if bad english hurt your eyes :)

    What to search? Double or Dword? 

  9. 3 hours ago, kimchanjun said:

    Verify your chopper/ATV then restart game.

    i group search with this order.


    i will group 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 group size i set is 50
    but when you group more you need to change group size.

    search above first value and see.

    see group value.

    It about    -1,xxx,xxx,xxx D ; 0D ; partvalueD

    after edit them, you need leave your base then restart game.


    Worked for chopper. Great success. Thank you very much. :)

    For ATV after editing and restarting the game, I tried to finalize the ATV then something went wrong. And now I can't select ATV also. This is because of beta version of game. 


  10. 17 minutes ago, Krakken said:

    You shouldn't be experimenting with verification values. Not only it's unnecessary to do it that way, you also are risking losing progress very easily. The best method is to work with frozen values and unfreezing to build stacks. Also you can take the verification value of a 20 stack and use it on another lower value stack as long as you don't close the game. Gambling with random values may render negative values which are a burden to solve. 

    Don't open your inventory. Until there's a faster way to narrow down durability, I don't believe it's worth to freeze, honestly. If you want to, avoid opening your inventory and yes, unfreeze, move, freeze again. 

    You can't open your inventory. There's a value check for HP and durability when you open your inventory. If the HP values don't match with what's frozen you will crash. For turrets, take two maces, one equipped and one on the second slot. At least that way you can kill it without wasting half of the AK. Don't open your inventory directly while you're using godmode, I'm not sure if chests are included. Just get to the last turret, lose some HP with the electric fence. Narrow down HP, freeze both doubles, kill the turret and restart. Make sure you opened the back door. 

    Not through the offset but it's possible to narrow it down with fuzzy search. What is the problem? You can't edit it successfully? 

    I edited it successfully. But after leaving map i restarted the game . Then my level gets back to previous level before hacking xp

  11. On 04/08/2017 at 3:09 PM, Krakken said:

    Find your energy and use offset calculator for C0 (tbc). That's your exp address. @NoFear did a video on this. 

    added 3 minutes later



    Xp hack is not working for updated version of game. It doesn't saves the game progress. Check if it works for you.

  12. 4 hours ago, Krakken said:

    Damn, guys... Some questions here are plain lazy and I won't be quoting back to the same posts for the 7th time so just read back. If there is a method, it's in this thread. 

    I've already cleared this. Everything from v1.5.2 works on v1.5.3. The only major difference is in offsets where you could get exp address through energy with offset C0 and you can't. Nothing that can't be solved with a fuzzy search and N=O+D based on the exp you got from a kill. 

    Nothing changed. 

    This is a verification value. Basically it's an address that is monitoring changes in your 20D address. If you split that 20 stack into 10, the 226D will change non-proportionally. If you work without this address, all the changes will be incompatible and your progress won't be saved. And this number changes each time you start the game so it's no use to write it down. 

    On the plus side, that 226D applies to all 20D value stacks. So say you got 2 gas cans, trace down the address, change the value from 2D to 20D and the verification address to 226D in this case. 

    Same question, different example. 

    The method is right but do overthink it! Try to understand what purpose that address serves. Answered above. 

    Already answered ITT. page 13

    Already answered ITT. page 13

    While hacking xp, when you search for the difference of 10 sometimes it will not work. That's may be because you have purchased xp boost from the store. Which will give you 2 times xp than normal. 

    Therefore instead of 10 search for 20.and the remaining procedures are same as given in the video. Good luck guys. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Krakken said:

    Clearly you haven't read the thread... There are many GG hacks available which can be synced with the official servers. 

    I'll say this again... Take the chance to learn from this experience. This game is so open you can do anything if you put your mind to it. Mods won't keep your progress with updates and version changes, these will. You have the following available:

    - Coin manipulation (free energy, resets, 2x EXP) 

    - EXP manipulation (full skillpoint tree, craft unlock) 

    - resources duplication and freeze dupe (generate infinite stacks of a desired resource within a minute) 

    - craft abuse via freeze dupe (craft loads of equips without filling half of your inventory) 

    - Health points freeze (godmode to a certain extent) 

    - Durability Freeze (weapons don't break) 

    And others mentioned skill points hacks, stats hacks (def, speed, etc) and many more i  haven't tried. 

    Just read through the thread if you just dropped in, guys. You'll see how, in this scenario, GameGuardian>LuckyPatcher. 

    How to hack Exp? 

  14. 15 hours ago, Krakken said:

    Videos for new hacks:

    Durability Freeze hack:


    Health freeze hack:



    Health hack worked for me. 

    Can you solve the issue when fighting with big zombies because it won't save progress. 

  15. 5 hours ago, Krakken said:

    I'll post a video later. Was that with HP or durability? Durability is harder to narrow down. I was able to successfully freeze a hammer's durability and keep the data after that. It's between 1-100 with -1 step value change after each hit. I don't know if that's like that for heavy weapons (glock wastes -1 per shot but I'm not so sure about the shotgun or M4 or heavy maces). 

    I'll look into it. 

    Is there any way to hack health?? 

  16. 5 hours ago, Krakken said:

    No luck with health, I've been freezing it but the progress isn't saved, looking for new methods. 

    Regarding items, I only know how to freeze dupe resources and with that craft abuse, but you need the items, 2 minimum to generate infinity. 


    Hit me up if you have trouble. Here's the idea:

    1. Have a divisible stack in your inventory which you can't move around ever during duping. 

    2. Search Dword Anonymous on GG for that stack amount. 

    3. Split the stack, refine search with the new value. Reconnect the split stack with the original one and refine search again. Do so until you have one address which will correspond to the amount of the stack in that inventory slot. 

    4. Tap that address. Bottom left, there is a Go To button. Click it. 

    5. Now, on the address page, you will find the address with the value of your stack on Dword. Right above that there is another address directly linked to the first one. This is the verification address. It's a check for value changes on your stack amount. Select both these addresses on the tick box and save them. 

    6. On the saved addresses page, freeze both (there's a lock icon that changes to = when you do so). 

    7. Back in game, power-split the frozen stack as much as you can, connect the stacks to 20's except the frozen one, store goods, rinse and repeat. 

    Notes: once you move the stack you've track down you'll break the chain and will have to start over. For safety, kill the game and log back in to make sure the changes you've made applied, you'll notice in the videos that I kill the game immediately. No "move around to another map" bullshit. If it works it's because it was well done. When abusing crafting, don't spam the craft button. Mind your slots. Excessive crafting will make the game get like internal bleeding, your progress won't be saved after a certain point even though you spent 15 minutes crafting gear after screwing up... Try to be very meticulous on the way you observe each step and you'll find bridges to new approaches even. Good luck, mate. 

    It worked bro. Thanks 

  17. 7 minutes ago, Krakken said:

    Try this method. It worked for me even after editing coins and screwing up the values a bit. Nailed at the first attempt flawlessly already on V.1.5.2. Good luck, mate:


    You rock man. Thank you so much bro. It worked fine. 

    Can you hack health and craft items bro? 

  18. 24 minutes ago, Corruption said:

    Don't freez any thing .... freezing = unsave


    I didn't freeze it. But still it gets resetting. 

    added 3 minutes later
    14 minutes ago, Krakken said:

    Don't try to manipulate many things at once when starting up. Try to look really closely to every step and pay close attention to the way values change and how addresses are influencing one and another. 

    Pay meticulous attention to @NoFear, he has some great tutorials on how to do everything you're looking for step by step. Note how many times he shuts off the game. That is guaranteeing him whichever value he changes stays applied after game restart. If you do everything right, it will stay. Trust yourself and focus. It's way easier once you nail it, mate. 

    Most of the time I hacked only coins. But it was still resetting. Anyway I will check it again as you said above. Thank you mate

  19. I did all the procedures given above.Even I able to hack the coins and health.But when I restarted the game all the hacked coins are reseted. Also whatever the progress which I did was reseted to the point when I hacked coins or health.

    In short the progress after hacking is not saved.

    Help me to resolve this issue.  

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