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Everything posted by Platonic

  1. Are both variable names for promps in the class functions set to local? If they both have the same variable name "input" AND they are global then it could make sense that they overlap. I don't think its pointer issue. It started well. So there must be a problem with variable naming being global. I relooked the video.. its not a prompt issue. The prompt opens correctly according to video. The right values show. And the input by user is executed correct. So there must be a problem with variables before the values have been set.
  2. Should be same. I can send you latest apk in a few hours.
  3. https://combat-magic-spells-and-swords.en.uptodown.com/android/download/83623844, you can go on the game, ignore the request for update.
  4. Ah your on 32bit. Yes, its a little bit different but till now you did everything aright and yes, you use dword. Then at 01:05, instead of -10 you put -8. Keep the value that is not zero. Remove the rest. As shown in the video. Then continue the steps in the video, till 01:33. There instead of 38 you write 20. Then continue steps in video. At 02:21 instead of 4C you put 34. Then follow video. Thats should be it.
  5. So if i understand, one of the suggestions would be to writhe less code if possible? Like i do notice that i personally have tried to discard the concept of group searches and only try make use of pointer searches and offsets. And that for only two reasons. Pointer searches and offsets never failed me, i always get the value as i know the general struggle of group searches all to well. Pointer searches are supposed to be faster then group searches. But then from the other side, scripting wise more time goes in to it depending on your knowledge of Lua scripting for GG. With a proper group search you do be scripting way less at cost of general speed. So yeah i guess both approaches. Group searches and pointer searches starting from some executable can work...depending on if its just one feature or multiple features. But let me know your thoughts on this as well.
  6. Like this oke? function class_CharacterJump() if loop_CharacterJump == false then filter_class(CharacterJump) -- only call function once loop_CharacterJump = true end CharacterJumpClass_address = class_pointers gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) gg.searchNumber(CharacterJumpClass_address[1].address, gg.TYPE_QWORD) local pointers_to_class = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) gg.clearResults() local field_JumpHeight = {} for i, v in ipairs(pointers_to_class) do field_JumpHeight[i] = {address = v.address + 0xB8, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT}--wanna use prompt instead of fixed value end field_JumpHeight = gg.getValues(field_JumpHeight) input = gg.prompt( {"Jump Height"}, {[1]= '0.6'}, {[1]= 'number'}) if input == nil then noselect() else if input[1] then for i, v in ipairs(field_JumpHeight) do v.value = input[1] end gg.setValues(field_JumpHeight) gg.toast("Jump Height DONE") end end end
  7. I also can understand that perhaps a lot is written in the script for just 2 features for the game, but personally i always assume more values from different classes can be modified. But which i not need to worry about when scripting because the main frame is already there. But just like @RealWanteDadvice is always highly appreciated.
  8. Checked both your videos and tried making script according to it. For both classes. The one for the level and the one for Godmode. Its for 64 bit. Hope it works. But in this script im using pointers from metadata, its personal preference when its a Unity game. Not sure, its not optimized for tagged pointers or 32 bit. (Reuploaded script) com.theand.minimal.lua
  9. I misread post. Thought you ment that the script should know when values changed address so that it searches automatically again.
  10. Mere personal opinion, but perhaps you can start doing pointer search starting from the metadata?
  11. So a value that checks if your in other map or not would be good? What i don't fully understand is how you know were tagged pointers are used?
  12. Hi, it still works. But you need to clear data of game and open the app again through play games as shown in the video. Tried editing the stats and money. But only money remains and what you purchased with it, but i think i edit stats very wrong which causes game to not save game properly(just a guess). Stats back to normal after clearing data. Make sure that game is 64bit.
  13. Platonic

    Aim bot

    Makes lot of sense. Not sure what this argument will lead to but it doesn't seem usefull for the forum. My source of response was on "but only if the game has il2cpp" So your relying on the game to be: Unity Has some keyword with aimassist So on all other games you can't make a aimbot unless there is a aimbot value ? I guess, if your relying on a aimbot value to be there.
  14. Platonic

    Aim bot

    Developers decide.
  15. Platonic

    Aim bot

    You can't modify data which doesn't exist. Using il2cpp means your relying on it that the game has some kind of aimassist which you then can edit. Which is nice..if it is there. But its not nice to be dependable on if the game has an aimassist or not. So it cant be bad trying to make your aimbot with default data most 3D games have.
  16. Platonic

    Aim bot

    Pretty much any 3d shooter game regardless of engine. I don't see why not. As long you understand how the game works. But this kinda questions are anoying, you think like a modder. Yeah, but what about games that dont have aim assist
  17. Platonic


    All i did was searching for the class name, but with brackets because i get to many results in the metadata and i dont want to deal with it, then pointer search it...ending up at the GearItemUpgrade class. I search with brackets because i only get one result and can directly jump to its class, then i checked the methods of that class(0:23) and jumped to the method get_Price and edited its destination register for floating point conversion which gave me the result. But personal opinion i don't touch executables because it doesn't help "me" the way i want it. Fields and dictionaries or stuff i can have control over quite easy and i like work with pointers. So knowledge is very limited. I suggest you find a class, find the method and then make new post on how you could modify it. Yeah, but then i dont think WeaponState is the right class since you want to edit the lib only. WeaponState is good for fields but it has no methods for cheat bullets in lib so you can't use same way as with GearItemUpgrade. I think you could try the class WeaponItems Also do dump the game and check out classes related to guns.
  18. Platonic


    Well you dont need to pay for upgrades it seems. mobizen_20221024_121753.mp4
  19. Platonic


    Yes, with exceptions of updates. I guess, But the structure is a bit weird. I didnt dump the game yet but advice you to do it and check for classes that you think is interesting. The stats in the lobby at least for the one found is under the class: GearItemUpgrade And the one for in the match is: WeaponState Appearently editing the function of get_Price gives you some gold hack. But to be fair i don't involve much with executables as i need to update script for each update, so knowledge is limited. Also there is no methods for either of those classes regarding guns. So i do say you check for another class. Or you dump and place in a disassembler for check the functions properly.
  20. Platonic


    Other options as well is to make a script that always finds the bullet value in the match. But each time you die it has to search again. But you can make a condition for that. You need pointers and offset and its quite fast.
  21. Platonic


    Thanks. Did you try changing the values from out of the lobby? It's in Float.
  22. Platonic


    I think i need link to APK. I only find pixel gun 3D links.
  23. Platonic


    I guess Pointers, offsets, item ID's But you can't know if a value changes or not. So your forced to do restarts and test in several occasions. Is this Unity game or? Does the value changes when you leave the match or? If those are the cases there should be a pointer from a possible dictionary always pointing to the class that is used to prepare all the ammo and relevant functions to it when entering a match. Pointer updates when joining new match as ammo, accuracy, bullet spray...etc changed address. OTherwise some more insight on what you want to do + game name would be great.
  24. Platonic


    Or you keep using your usual method manually. What you prefer.
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