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Everything posted by Platonic

  1. Script must load all addresses withing range, with a offset of 4 and store all of it in new table named "table". Problem is that GG crashes or gets stuck after a minute. ranges = gg.getRangesList("anon:libc_malloc") anon = {} for i, v in ipairs(ranges) do if v.state == "Ca" then anon[#anon + 1] = {anonStart = ranges[i].start, anonEnd = ranges[i]["end"], loop = ranges[i]["end"] - ranges[i].start} end end table = {} -- e = {} for i, v in ipairs(anon) do for j = 1, v.loop/4 do table[#table + 1] = {address = v.anonStart, flags = gg.TYPE_QWORD} v.anonStart = v.anonStart + 4 end end gg.loadResults(table) -- gg gets stuck I understand that i can use gg. searchNumber(), but i want/need all addresses and want to load them when i have to using gg loadResults(). Is there q fix for the crash?
  2. Platonic


    I first need to know what i have to do. At the moment its unclear what i should do. Your the one that knows the cheat. So if you can demonstrate it with a video i could perhaps script it.
  3. Platonic


    Do i need to replace the text in the marketplace? Just replaced USP "Line" with USP "Geometric"
  4. Platonic


    How do you search USP "Line" I Use ; or : ? or make a short video where you try editing the name of the skin and show the result.
  5. Platonic


    Can try..do i search the text in utf16 or utf8 ? I find one string in utf16: USP "Line"
  6. Platonic


    If the name is in utf16 you must select the dots after each char to.
  7. Platonic


    GG will only replace the bytes that you searched. The issue with wanting to have a longer name is that at the end of the string there is usually a pointer of some other string name. If that pointer gets overwritten by your chosen name your game could crash, Or unintended names could overlap messing up your player name. Go to the address of your string and select the same amount of bytes as the amount of characters that exist in the name you want to edit to and then edit them in utf-8 or utf-16. If you see that your also selecting bytes of a pointer but that pointer is a pointer for a other string name you must edit that pointer and the string name to zero. Like that you have no overlapping with other names. If game crashes or some unwanted effects happen you could try allocating and copying memory and write the name you want to modify to in full. Then set all pointers that pointed to original string name to new player name.
  8. Previous time you repeated an already asked question before the creator of the post even answered that question. That's just pointless. If you told on before hand that you wanted to provide a solution i would have revoked my self from this topic because there really is no point in two people trying to make a script for the same thing, not in this case. One of the two his time gets wasted. There is probably several people that have their own solution for the users request. Does everyone now has to post their solution because they think its better? I can understand if someone explains how to find the values manually and others simplified that process by making it a script. Then 2+ people helping makes sense. Or if one's intended solution doesn't work according to users request, so someone else provides something that does works. Then 2+ people trying to help makes sense to. Or if your working together through discussions to reach towards a solution for the user ..that would work to. Usually seen in scripting discussions. But i just hope your not posting in topics for the sake of some competition in which your solution is ment to be better then everyone else. Also how you add that byte code on every script your posting in a topic kinda seem to me your not that fond of help. For example take this topic, i did not reply further as you were asking same question as i did. So personally i understood from that, that you wanted to solve the issue your self(i only think that with you because how you repeated my question). The user was afterwards not replied to for like 5 days... At the end of the day after multiple messages back and forward with user/you it did not work out in which return monkeySan provided a solution that worked. Well...the user asked a script. So maby you can script monkeySans solution or the video. Also there are enough requests on the forum of people that yet need answers to their questions.
  9. Platonic


    Which game? Maby this help.
  10. Your behaviour is just odd. Your making it a habit to reply on the same posts as i do. This can be confusing to me and the one that needs the help. Personally i don't mind that your so driven to help people but just keep in mind to not make this all about you. The only objective with replying on a request would be to provide a solution. Posting two scripts for the same game is just unreasonable. My time gets wasted, your time gets wasted and the original poster of the topic gets confused. Please keep it in mind.
  11. It became irrelevant now, script works for 32 and 64. Download script and then refine if you want to edit a bit more accurate. Here is example. I only cheat what you requested using your screenshot. But as in previous video you buy whatever you find interesting. When the value on the game is -10 you refine 10. -20 in GG you search 20 using the script that i posted before. Then purchase some graveyard or something and the coints will be added. If the value in the game is negative you must edit the values negative. If the the values in game are positive you must edit them positive. mobizen_20221129_172719.mp4
  12. Edit the values positive or negative to get what you requested. Some quick tutorial. Run the script. com.grumpyrhinogames.necromerger.lua.lua
  13. Not sure, test with dummy account.
  14. I could not find it as a class. But i guess if you dump it you could be looking for the class: CurrencyBundleSegment But in GG i edit not as a class. But not sure how dumping and editing the executable would do.
  15. Hey, it was a pain. Eventually found it after narrowing down quite some pointers. Most of those values are static. And are anything but the value on the screen. Is your game 64bit or 32bit?
  16. How do you do it manually? Video would be great.
  17. Nvm, Luar is byte code, its not obfuscation. But GG has a disassembler so i don't get the point of the byte code.
  18. If it helps, i don't find logic or interest in sharing others their work. I only want or ask something for purpose of knowledge.
  19. Script works great, but can i know what it is doing the first seconds before it ask for internet connection? Also i see many obfuscate script same way as yours which is pain for me because i prefer reading it open source for educational purposes. What obfuscation you use and where to get it as i like to try it. Is it also possible to send open source of your script. For educational purposes regarding the game. Would very much appreciate.
  20. Its latest for 32bit. Play the game and it wont ask for updates while older version will ask for update. 64bit version is different.
  21. https://apkcombo.com/es/combat-magic-spells-swords/com.lb4business.swordsbowsmagic/download/apk
  22. Put the variable in the loop. Like this the variable to which the table in class_pointer is referenced to will only happen once. Because it also only has to happen once.
  23. I believe i found the main problem. Its in the function "function filter_class(class_string_name)" When you call that function it is only ment to execute once for each class. Then when the tables is assigned to class_pointers it then get referenced to the corresponding variable in the class functions. But because the filter_class function only executes once fir each class, the table at class_pointers never gets updated after. Resulting in the last class that uses function filter_class(class_string_name) to be the table to be edited. Thats why script works if you remove those loops as you did. Like that, the function filter_class(class_string_name) gets called each time and automatically updates the table which is assigned to class_pointers.
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