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Posts posted by Platonic

  1. Making group searches is most of time just trying. But to confirm the values are swuitable for group search you could do a few tests. And since you mostly publicise scripts values on your device could be different then the values on someone else devices although doing it the same thing. With ammo probably not. But it happens. You don't really need to compare dumps from your own device. Compare two dumps from two different devices, me i usually compare emulators(32 or 64) and a mobile(32 or 64) if in all the same then you should be good for copy and make the group search. Its more accurate...if your doing dump comparison for find group searches i mean. Make sure you restarted the game several times to confirm the group search. Make sure you understand the behaviour of the values your trying to make a group search with.

  2. 16 minutes ago, HorridModz said:

    Yes, I am aware I can just use the dump.cs. In fact, I already have made infinite ammo scripts for this game multiple times before. But the problem is, these scripts only work for one game update. I am trying to make something permanent.

    In addition, my main goal is to improve my skills with finding and using group searches and offsets - and I would also love to learn how to use the dump memory function correctly since I feel dumb! 😛

    But then why do a group search for individual guns? Your screenshot is for a individual gun instead of all guns.

    Regarding permanent and group searches. Can't you search the string at that offset. I copy a sercent amount of bytes so that at each update i find the right offsets. If you dont want to use offsets and don't mind group searchers and time delays then use the string names for search. Then the chance that you would need to do some changes depending on the game is very low. But probably if you do some deep metadata analysis there is a other way which doesnt require group search. 

  3. These days i only use metadata offsets, getting tired of group searches...only if really needed...for some specific things which arent from metadata..but your trying to cheat ammo. You have multiple guns during match...unless you have one group search that give ammo for all guns it wouldn't be really efficient to do a group search for each gun, This is your ammo class. "丟七不丗上丑丅丆丞"

    So search that class. It will display all ammo settings for each gun according the right offsets. But you would need to optimize the script so that it works properly for those on emulators or that only have data in region Other...all those special cases.

  4. 19 minutes ago, darklinux said:

    If you wanted to hook a function to change values, or call thread specific functions.

    • allocate new page
    • write shell code to page
    • write hook to target function

    GG does something like this for speed hacks, but they load a shared library and not shell code.

    I have used this method to send packets on a specific game play trigger. Lots of fun and powerful but you start to get into native hacks real quick. I wish GG supported hooks and more native stuff.

    Hmm i see. All this is done in Lua?

  5. 41 minutes ago, darklinux said:

    It allows you to allocate a new page in the target processes. You can write code to the page for a hook, or data or anything. What are you looking to do?

    Hmm, never used it but it looks useful. How you mean for a hook? Can you explain? Would be appreciated.

  6. On 5/5/2022 at 11:46 PM, Goood14324 said:

    it is a popular game it's ( little big snake) why there's nothing And when the scripts of games are old 

    Its always good to have zoom hack on those slither.io like games. For sure on little big snake it gives good advantage. Usually i only go for zoom hacks on .io games like agar.io or slither.io If you want it can be putted in a script and placed in the download section on the forum. 




  7. On 4/29/2022 at 3:13 PM, FallenAngelII said:

    In the overworld, enemies disappear and I get mora and exp but no drops. In dungeons, nothing happens. Except in some, where they take a very small amount of damage/their shields take a very small amount of damage every second or so, IIRC. Against overworld bosses, the bosses will disappear and then reappear after a few seconds.


    I don't think attack teleporting has ever done anything for me, but I'll test it out again.

    Ok. Thanks for info. Will see what can be done. In case there is more info i will let you know.

  8. 1 hour ago, MAARS said:

    But signed integer allow you to represent both, negative and positive number ? Why would you want only positive number ?

    Yes but only to the ranges based on their data types. I am not sure if this is a gameguardian or a Lua concept. But when you print out an address it will be printed as an unsigned integer. And when you print a value it will be printed as a signed integer.
    As you can see in the script. It has to check if the values of "address" and "value" are the same. If so there tables must be added to the empty table named "teser".

    But because of address being unsigned integer and value being signed integer this comparison is can not work. Here is the example (without conversion):

    Script ended:
    value: 385877511 	address: 2202972824
    value: 0 	address: 2202972824
    value: -2091994472 	address: 2202972824 -- you can see that "value" is in signed integer and address is unsigned integer. causing comparison to fail.
    value: -2091994472 	address: 2202972824
    value: 0 	address: 2202972824
    value: 0 	address: 2202972824

    You can see that i am only using 1 address so i don't do changes to it. Instead i convert the value to hex so that Lua or gameguardian(not sure which one) reads it instead as a unsigned integer, then comparison works:

    Script ended:
    value: 4680844807 	address: 2202972824
    value: 4294967296 	address: 2202972824
    value: 2202972824 	address: 2202972824 -- both value and address are now unsigned integers and comparison will work.
    value: 2202972824 	address: 2202972824
    value: 4294967296 	address: 2202972824
    value: 4294967296 	address: 2202972824
    The script interrupted. [1]


  9. Uh Never mind. Error makes sense. Java site is so friendly for p rovides some basic information about data types:



    139757241375376 is still in the range of signed long. Value did not need to be converted to begin with. string.format expected data type long or . But based on conversion method used it did not receive a long at all. Not sure why it instead says that it receives a string. The value must have come out as a normal integer resulting in it to be a string i think.

    printing this gives me the type string as well:

    value = string.format("%x", 154775807)

    -- result
    Script ended:

    perhaps if it does not recognize it as a number it will read it as a string by default. Not sure.

    Just now, MAARS said:

    Here you are doing concatenation of a number with string "0x" this will result a string because that what concatenation do, and since the function string.format are expecting an integer to be passed as argument this will result an error.

    Actually you don't need to convert hex value to integer since Lua do it automatically you can try this 

    local x = 0xA
    print (x) --> 10

    Except if your value is a string no conversion will be done 

    local x = "0xA"
    print (x) --> "0xA"

    If you have a hex value as a string you will need to use the function tonumber instead and he doesn't require the "0x" before 

    local x = "A"
    print (tonumber(x, 16)) --> 10


    I guess we sended around same time, so i missed on the information

  10. Got error: bad argument #2 to 'string.format' (string: long expected, got string) (field 'format')


    I can't understand the cause of error from the surface. Because the same code that i am using works on 32 bit. Quite convinced that in deeper level something is happening with the length of the values. Here is the code that causes the error:

        a = gg.getValues(a)
        teser = {}
        for i, v in ipairs(a) do
          supper = 
            address = assembly[1].address, 
            addressConvertToDecimal = string.format(tonumber(assembly[1].address)), 
            valueToCompare = v.value, 
          v.value = string.format("%x", "0x".. v.value + 100000000), -1
          if (v.value == assembly[1].address) then
            teser[#teser + 1] = v

    Normally on 32 bit i need to convert the values of a sub table to hex. And then everything works fine with no error.
    But here on 64 bit it doesn't work as seen in the error above. But script works fine when this part of the code is removed:

          v.value = string.format("%x", "0x".. v.value + hexConvert), -1

    Tried like printing out some info but i can't really see anything wrong from the surface level. Everything seems to print out fine. Here is example from the 64bit with no issues after removing that part of the code:

    Script ended:
    { -- table(80b13c5)
    	['address'] = 0x7f1bc4ba1a90, -- address of a specifc sub table of result list
    	['addressConvertToDecimal'] = '139757241375376', -- specifc address converted
    	['valueToCompare'] = 139757049444224, -- value from a sub table of a result list, must be compared with converted address
    { -- table(8d4f67d)
    	['address'] = 0x7f1bc4ba1a90,
    	['addressConvertToDecimal'] = '139757241375376',
    	['valueToCompare'] = 139757241375376,
    { -- table(7753972)
    	['address'] = 0x7f1bc4ba1a90,
    	['addressConvertToDecimal'] = '139757241375376',
    	['valueToCompare'] = 0,

    On 32 bit i need to convert these signed values otherwise comparison of an address and a value does not work because the bits of the value are signed while the value that represent address is shown unsigned.
    what i find strange to is that 64 bit does not need that conversion and the values are shown automatically as signed long.., which is a bit confusing for me. Are values of data type long not allowed to be unsigned? some math explanation would be great.


  11. Unless your intentionally posting nonsense comments for the sake of profile status. But then if i look to your profile status most of your comments are more about complains then something else. Barely helping anyone. People get the delusional thought that on this forum the amount of posts you have is linked to your experience or some sort.

  12. 2 hours ago, HEROGAMEOfficial said:

    That's very helpful:


    Its "funny" how you haven't had a ban yet, posting every time a useless comment that isn't helping anyone. Tagging Enyby in every post. Why do you tag Enyby for this, do you think he does not check the forum?? Your always reacting to mistakes of people, but it does not help with their question. Try to educate on what he did wrong, or ask for more information if you can't understand the post. 

  13. 8 hours ago, FallenAngelII said:

    Any way to make the instant kill option also work in Domains or on bosses? Also, what is the Teleport Attack option supposed to do?

    No cooldown seems to be hit and miss. Sometimes it works modt of the time it doesn't.

    Sadly i don't have patient and neither the time for play the game till i manage to get in some specific dungeons. Heard it only doesn't work in some specific dungeons. Can you describe how it looks? Does the enemy dissepear  or what is happening ?
    No cool down works if other hacks aren't enabled. But i would need to make improvement in script because i remove the table which causes the freezing to quite. Probably at that time did not knew how to handle it. Probably know will figure out. will update script. I think you have to follow the account in case you want notification for update.

    8 hours ago, FallenAngelII said:

    what is the Teleport Attack option supposed to do?

    teleport during attack so that you don't stay on same location while monsters attack. I mean you need to find your own use to the hacks. It does what it has to do. You use how you want to use.

  14. 4 hours ago, mst3dz said:

    now it works perfectly, but the kill all and the teleport atk are having problems.

    For me I don't see much use in these functions as the script I shared with you has fast atk. So I use it with the super jump.

    well i am not sure in sense of usefulness i don't play the game/ but personally i don't mind killing all enemies with one button instead of pressing fast attack and spawning several seconds till they die since main object is the same, you want to kill the enemy the quickest way. what is the issue of teleport atk?



    4 hours ago, mst3dz said:

    There is a small quirk in the skill cooldown function that causes the character's normal atk to not work as it should. But I don't see a problem with that but if you can fix it 😍

    normal attack or there special attack. specifically when using special arrow abilities or abilities which require to hold the button for longer then a second for aim properly.

    4 hours ago, mst3dz said:

    This script has several functions I don't know if you've tried it I hope so, but only 3 functions in it currently work!

    I haven't tried yet. But i see your doing great!

    4 hours ago, mst3dz said:

    I said that if by chance in the next update of genshin impact these scripts stop working it was someone who reported it 😂

    It is possible. I mean, that' the case with everything which goes public. Eventually the developers get there hands on it. reverse engineer the script, see how it effects there game. create patches. (if they care or have the capital for it) developers that make good anti cheat aren't cheap. It's not like they are waiting for solve the issue really. They just want to make money. And as long currency hacks aren't involved and community isn't to much complaining about hackers they have not to much to care about since those two are the only sources of income.

  15. 3 hours ago, mst3dz said:

    This is the script your working on? 


    3 hours ago, mst3dz said:


    If by any chance, I know it was you who reported it to them... 😑😂

    I not sure what you mean, a friend of mine made a community script. He only post open source and shared the jump value months ago. Unlike the one from my script this one isnt frame based so i think it was the only way for help you.


  16. made some small change in the script, can you try and see if you still get lag. the change:

        if test[6] then
          if test[1] then
            if jump == on then
              jump = off
              jumpTeleport[1].value = '0'
              jumpTeleport[2].value = '0'
              jumpTeleport[3].value = '-76'
              jumpTeleport[4].value = '-62'
              for i, v in ipairs(jumpTeleport) do
                jumpTeleport[i].freeze = false
              jump = on
              loop = loop + 1
              if (loop <= 1) then
              gg.searchNumber('h 00 00 B4 C2 00 00 48 42', gg.TYPE_BYTE)
              jumpTeleport = gg.getResults(4)
              jumpTeleport[1].value = '0'
              jumpTeleport[2].value = '0'
              jumpTeleport[3].value = '-128'
              jumpTeleport[4].value = '63'
              gg.searchNumber('-1.0F;999,999.0F::21', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
              gg.refineNumber('999,999.0', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
              jumpTeleport = gg.getResults(20)
              for i = 1, #jumpTeleport do
                jumpTeleport[i].address = jumpTeleport[i].address - 0xC
                jumpTeleport[i].value = '50' 
                jumpTeleport[i].freeze = true 



    let me know if woks without lag.

  17. 2 hours ago, mst3dz said:

    Hmm i never noticed this to be honest, the lag is possible i mean at the end of the day your editing frame based values. But i would not be able to confirm if that's the actual reason for the lag, there could be a other reason for why it is possible.
    Can you try editing the jump value from region Xa ?

    Before editing region Xa you have to kill the process that has a exclamation mark.
    Genshin Impact (/system/bin/debuggerd)image.thumb.png.50073de56bb3811e409a36f70cebdbf5.png

    You can kill it through script or manually .image.thumb.png.56c118b0535eb67c225be1d936bf7af0.png

  18. 5 hours ago, mst3dz said:

    I have an old script from the genshin impact release, I would like to look at it and improve it if possible, it still works fast atk, running 2x and increased loot range.

    This week I'll make a video showing you

    OK, thanks.

  19. 10 hours ago, mst3dz said:

    hi I can't tell you why but when I use the long jump function the game gets heavier I cause some lags and sometimes it even crashes!

    I use a poco f1 with root and the performance of the custom rom and custom kernel is excellent in many games!

    Weird. Can you make video? Of only using long jump. Dont activate other hacks.

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