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_Lektro last won the day on March 10 2017

_Lektro had the most liked content!

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  • Android
    6.0.x (Marshmallow)
    7.x (Nougat)
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    LG k20 LG k7
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  1. You must have all memory ranges unselected EXCEPT code app and anonymous then search .000001 and edit the 100.0 to 100000
  2. Lets get sum ad revenue up in this bitch.
  3. Freedom works on Sas4 as well.
  4. I do agree that the text is too big xD, and I have an invisibility hack but I will release that when I havena decent rep
  6. The devs are starting to just put hackers in a hacker pool. So watch out. Lucas used to hack so he knows of what most players are doing.
  7. Stats cannot be changed. _______________________________________________ added 0 minutes later Once its saved in the server, its there. Your can only go higher. Not lower.
  8. This is not ALL the hacks I know for Bullet Force, So leave positive feedback and follow me if you want more hacks released! (UNSELECT ALL MEMORY RANGES EXCEPT ANONYMOUS AND CODE APP ONLY) _____________________________________ ·Change your jump height. First, Search 5.8 in float. And edit to any positive number under 50. (if you wish to live) ·Infinite Famas ammo. Make sure you have a full clip (27 bullets), then search 444423 in Dword, then edit, and FREEZE the value! ·Walkthrough Walls (You can shoot out, they cannot shoot In) Search .000001 in Float, then edit to -1.
  9. @willies578 i have never heard of the game, but I will definitely give it a go! Follow me and I will message u my results!
  10. If you need help with hacking any of your favorite games, just let me know, I can hack most-any FPS and others, I also can hack server sided AND non server sided games! (Post what games you need help with and I will try my best to help)
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