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  1. Do you think you can hack this game? Seems tough to be honest Gumballs & Dungeons
  2. Bump on this one. Anyone has made any progress on this game?
  3. OK, I did as you said but the second search gave out nothing. 0 addresses.
  4. for runite, dword 999;(current runite):5 returns nothing.
  5. About runite. at 0:15 of the video I dont get values as shown. When I choose the 3 addresses and hit edit dword it only changes the first one. Thus the whole hack does not work. Maybe it doesnt work on bluestacks? Or are there any settings you tweaked from gameguardian that are necessary for this to work?
  6. Same. Changing the value does nothing in-game. Also when I have changed the value and try to buy something from the shop that exceeds my current runite the game crashes.
  7. That would be really helpful!
  8. I can tell it's pretty simple but is it possible for you to make a short video for this? I'm only used to simple searched of values and I'm kinda newb into anything else. Or if there is a guide somewhere so I can make out things myself? Thanks a lot!! EDIT: To be more specific. I search for 999;278 (278 is the amount of runite i have) but I get 2 results. One 999 and one 278. Anyway I Goto 999, but then what do you mean by 80 bytes above? 80 entries above? Because I tried that, changed dword to 100000000 but nothing happens. Also if I change the 278 value to 10000000, the runite change in-game but with no actual effect in the shop
  9. Name of Game: Idle Mage Attack Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.topcog.idlemageattack&hl=en Version: v1.3.1 What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: Speedhack and Runite Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: Speedhack is not working. It does nothing. Also I managed to find the Runite value, changed it, the value changed in-game but had no effect. Comments:
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