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Everything posted by DonCasavo

  1. can yu mod this with unltd miney or diamonds or unltd energy fo fighting? link to apk comes later, i'm at work ^^ greetings
  2. is it possible du mod dragons of atlantis:heirs of the dragon http://android.downloadatoz.com/apps/com.kabam.doamobile,379886.html thx for answers
  3. i tried with game killer, gamcih und GG but it didn't work. pop up: "hacking app stuff dtected..." and the game stops. thanks for a mod
  4. am i the only german here?

    1. harryk


      my brother speaks german, kind of. But he does it just to irritate me

    2. DonCasavo
  5. i clicked on "Enable lock function" but there's no ad to click on it. So i use adaway and did anything.. But it didn't work....any idea?
  6. Mmh...i mean with glu count to 0 that i wanna start a glu game and the gku credits are not -30k ^^
  7. i tried a lot of tipps to get the glu count to 0...but nothing worked...everything is only temporary...after few runs of glu games the credits are -30k. ..any idea? Samsung galaxy Note gt-n7000 (rooted) Superuser rom
  8. Sorry...i forgot to set search in all region...thx for it I tested it by other games and it works great...but glu credits. ...don't how to hack this stuff :-/
  9. It doesn't on my galaxy Note. When i start the game an search the First value there's no result...what can it be? Bad english...i know...i'm german
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