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  1. after searching a lot from previous posts, I didn't found the way to increase level to 99, some worked but when i restarted the game everything goes back to normal
  2. thats was my question
  3. Hey Guys anyone know how to increase xp to 99 in v1.5.3 and also that i have used all ak47 and shortguns how to get them back
  4. I GG victium inside the GG or its complete different
  5. plz dude if you provide that app then most of them can practice o that
  6. ankit007

    LUA scripting

    Thx dude just Updated the info as per you said.?
  7. ankit007

    LUA scripting

    New features added in V.8.30.0 [copyText] = function: copyText /* gg.copyText(string text [, bool fixLocale = true]) -> nil */ [getFile] = function: getFile /* gg.getFile() -> string */ [getLine] = function: getLine /* gg.getLine() -> int */ [getTargetInfo] = function: getTargetInfo /* gg.getTargetInfo() -> table || nil */ Re-named in V.30.0 From:-version(8.29.0) [getSelectedPackage] = function: getSelectedPackage /* gg.getSelectedPackage() -> string || nil */ To:-version(8.30.0) [getTargetPackage] = function: getTargetPackage /* gg.getTargetPackage() -> string || nil */ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ From:-version(8.29.0) [multiChoice] = function: multiChoice /* gg.choice(table items[, table selection]) -> table || nil */ To:-version(8.30.0) [multiChoice] = function: multiChoice /* gg.multiChoice(table items [, table selection = {} [, string message = nil]]) -> table || nil */ Above info is not complete, There could be some things that i have missed. Anyways the new update is good.
  8. View File Zombie Catchers Hack Script by ankit007 Zombie Catchers Hack Script by @ankit007 It a Simple Script to Hack and Increase Coins & Ploutinum int he games Zombie Catchers:- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fi.twomenandadog.zombiecatchers Hope So you like it Submitter ankit007 Submitted 07/26/17 Category LUA scripts
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Zombie Catchers Hack Script by @ankit007 It a Simple Script to Hack and Increase Coins & Ploutinum int he games Zombie Catchers:- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fi.twomenandadog.zombiecatchers Hope So you like it
  10. You have to Wait for few days so i can try on this games and forget about money i just like challenges
  11. View File Criminal Case money Hack Script by ankit007 Criminal Case money hack Created by @ankit007 This Hack Script increases your money and works on this 3 games 1)Criminal Case - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.prettysimple.criminalcaseandroid 2)Criminal Case: Pacific Bay - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.prettysimple.criminalcasepacificbayandroid 3)Criminal Case: Save the World! - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.prettysimple.worldeditionandroid This is my first script so Hope so you enjoy Submitter ankit007 Submitted 07/25/17 Category LUA scripts
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Criminal Case money hack Created by @ankit007 This Hack Script increases your money and works on this 3 games 1)Criminal Case - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.prettysimple.criminalcaseandroid 2)Criminal Case: Pacific Bay - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.prettysimple.criminalcasepacificbayandroid 3)Criminal Case: Save the World! - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.prettysimple.worldeditionandroid This is my first script so Hope so you enjoy
  13. Actually you can use both but in some case if one doesn't work you can use another
  14. ankit007

    LUA scripting

    now that's an example ?
  15. ankit007

    LUA scripting

    you can use gg.clearResults() --By using so it clear's the list of searched results ::research:: v = gg.prompt({i='Enter value'}, {i='0'}) gg.searchNumber(v['i'], gg.TYPE_DWORD, true, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) if gg.getResultCount() == 1 then gg.editAll('10000', gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.alert('Hacking Done!, Enjoy') gg.clearResults() os.exit() else gg.alert('Too much values found, Go to game and change the value, then open gameguardian window again') goto research end it not a complete example but can work
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