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    Samsung Galaxy S4
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  1. Asks for new version from playstore and doesnt work.. fix pls
  2. Make it payable via vodafone or tmobile etc if u know what i mean would be great couse i dont have credit card
  3. Puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuush
  4. I followed and i dondt get more then 25 adresses at the first search and the second search show nothing. If i change the values at the first search nothing happens. I am using the latest gameguardian and latest version of game and following this instructions. I am using galaxy s4. With stock rom and kernel just rooted
  5. forum needs more activity i think @

  6. Push pls can someone tell me if this game is cheatable? Or did anybody already finded a moded version? Such a really great game i love it
  7. Name of Game: Monster Blade Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): Monster Blade Version if you know it: Version 1.2.1 What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: Diamdonds and Gold Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?:No i didnt. I have a Galaxy S4 LTE and its not rooted and i dont want o root it Comments: This is a really good game with nice graphics and its playable without real money
  8. Name of Game: DragonVale Play Store Link (DragonVale): Version if you know it: 1.12.1 What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: Everything whats possible Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: Yip i tried with Gameguardian but when i found the right value end edited it too 99999 at coins then it did a Countdown back to the Original Value. This was with Exp and Food the same. Comments: Would be Very great if this is Cheatable its a really funny game
  9. Hey Guys, im new at thi Forums and I hope i can have some good games and fun with u guys Im 20 Years Old and from Germany, iam Turkish I am working in the Logistics and Cargo section. My Hobbys are Rooting Modifing Phones, PC etc. And I love to go to GYM and have ***** with my BMW ;D <3
  10. If someone can mod this game it would be amaziiiing *___*
  11. Van anyone help me to modinotia4: APK link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.com2us.inotia4.normal.freefull.google.global.android.common&referrer=utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_term%3Dinotia+4 Thats the Download Link from the playstore i want to have modded, xp, gold, unlimited statpoints and skillpoints and gems...: my device Is htc Desire hd Ty for helps and replys )
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