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Everything posted by nalcwap

  1. thanks, you mean gg.TYPE_DWORD?
  2. update give other error sorrfy Script terminado: Script error: luaj.LuaError: @/storage/emulated/0/Notes/com.shinybox.smasheror.lua:51 `gg.setValues({{address=_address,flags=gg.Type_DWORD,value=0x1}})` bad argument for key 'flags': int expected, got nil level = 1, pc = 126 stack traceback: /storage/emulated/0/Notes/com.shinybox.smasheror.lua:51 in main chunk [Java]: in ? at android.ext.Script.badArg(Script.java:5203) at android.ext.Script.checkint(Script.java:5236) at android.ext.Script.toItem(Script.java:5118) at android.ext.Script$setValues.invoke2(Script.java:3741) at android.ext.Script$ApiFunction.invoke(Script.java:1264) at luaj.lib.VarArgFunction.call(VarArgFunction.java:58) at luaj.LuaValue.callNotNull(LuaValue.java:3246) at luaj.LuaClosure.execute(LuaClosure.java:432) at luaj.LuaClosure.call(LuaClosure.java:145) at android.ext.Script.runScript(Script.java:5513)
  3. ups my bad i not see very when and put mistake that, very thanks bro
  4. thanks bro but i put fixed? com.shinybox.smasheror.lua
  5. you not need to pay for example i find the value of yor castle search in region anonimus the value hp casthe in float value and change and freeze that value , you will be invencible casthe, i not try past to see if the value same in other stage but if not search in float value and freeze the value changed    , sorry i thinking i send pm private sorry post this , how delete this?only show change, thanks

  6. anyone know why this error ? Script terminado: Script error: luaj.LuaError: @/storage/emulated/0/Notes/com.shinybox.smash.lua:50 `_address=_result[1],address+0xC30` attempt to perform arithmetic __add on nil and number level = 1, pc = 113 stack traceback: /storage/emulated/0/Notes/com.shinybox.smash.lua:50 in main chunk [Java]: in ? at luaj.LuaValue.error(LuaValue.java:1075) at luaj.LuaValue.arithmt(LuaValue.java:2326) at luaj.LuaValue.add(LuaValue.java:2211) at luaj.LuaClosure.execute(LuaClosure.java:302) at luaj.LuaClosure.call(LuaClosure.java:145) at android.ext.Script.runScript(Script.java:5513) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(Script.java:5314)
  7. very thanks bro , god bless to you
  8. sorry the wait where the screenshot be save with gg? [added 2 minutes later] very thanks bro, edit , i put gg.setVslues(t) not give error but not show the changes
  9. what wrong i want add E40 offset and edit that address but give eror com.shinybox.smash wrong add offset E40.lua
  10. i mean some values not find when reset only if is in game, thanks bro
  11. i have this how add the offset and go to there and edit? gg.searchNumber("9904B8A0h", gg.TYPE_AUTO, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  12. but how add?thanks
  13. i generated this search with gameguardian to generate the lua script but it not save when in go to offset and go to the value and change, i want continue this script by go to ADDRESS i search and go to there and add offset F0 and edit in the new address that value, is not possible the generator save thats changes?if not how put in script to go to that address by offset more F0?thanks com.shinybox.smash.lua
  14. sorry not work when i restart
  15. can please add a option in the chain to put a offset distance?i mean one value not be find with the chain but i find other value that is show and the offset betten the 2 values is same , is possible add that option to find the other value?thanks
  16. extra slots i not know but more atk in magic meteor i find
  17. now unserstand thanks
  18. farm heroes saga lifes work , i try in tap counter not find why?
  19. sorry my bad, i mean 2560 not o256, it find the value but when i restart not load the script
  20. you need kill the game 2 times?
  21. 0ne question i put a 0 in front of 256 value to get the chain and created but i make 2 and when i try load the script not load can please test and see if find=?=n is the bss file work correct when chain?i find in game casr clicker 2 the value of search progress percentage value in float in anonimus region but when i try load the script not load the value, i tested in mumu emulator 2 times and not work in pointers app i find and work but is in lib in bss in the case clicker2 the value of search progress, where the 2 created lua files of search progress value float anonimus com.hawkgames.caseclicker21.lua com.hawkgames.caseclicker22.lua
  22. cool , thanks, this help with static pointer for restore , great script
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