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Cooperb last won the day on February 12 2015

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    Galaxy Note 3
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  1. WIll check it tomorrow probably I'll leave it for a bit longer to see if d2dyno will come up with a solution... If not when I have time I'll investigate
  2. I'll look into it this week Ps what version of IDA did you use?
  3. I totally forgot about this thread hahaha... It is open for business again Please note, if it is a request that does not hold anything "special" about it and for an ordinary game please do not post it here as I will give you warning points. This section is ONLY for games which you have not been able to find elsewhere. Make a request first in the requests section and if you do not get a solution for here or somewhere else link me to the request here. I am starting to work on the Android platform again, so lets see what comes up! Once again: DO NOT ABUSE THIS THREAD. If you post JUNK I WILL PUNISH YOU
  4. Then send me a PM and I will add him
  5. Lucky Patcher works via pattern recognition basically. So if the byte pattern is different from game to game not all of the patches will be successful! Which is why you get 1/5, 2/5, 3/5 etc
  6. There is an issue with IPNexus at the moment, I am not sure what the problems are as I only recently popped back on PM d2dyno and add me into the conversation to discuss other possible payment methods
  7. Ok guys, @d2dyno seems to be AFK. In the mean time if you are having issues PM the info so I have it for record and I will manually bump you up if he is not back today or tomorrow. Don't try and B/S me about making payments when you have not. I can see who has transactions on hold as well as knowing the string generation techniques for google wallet and paypal so I can manually verify if the transaction ID is valid or not :|
  8. Why you no send me transaction ID... I feel left out now :'(
  9. For lucky patcher you need to have root permission as it modifies your core.jar in memory, which is not accessible if you do not... However that emulation sounds interesting, I will give it a look later today
  10. @MiC2o is a good mod We have had a few and he is a dependable guy Btw.... Get out of my house :| Creepy stalker Nice to see you bud! Hit me up on skype one of these days hehe
  11. MITM would probably be your best bet. It can get a bit complicated working out which packets have to be modified and shifted between the client and the server. But it is essentially exactly what I was suggesting
  12. You can work with packet modification which intercept and modify the data traveling between the client and server. So you would need to hook the android network libraries, as well as the game. Something like the quick diagram below:
  13. It will require a lot more than a bit of time. Each and every function would have to be hooked and rewritten. Quite frankly a real WASTE of time, not to mention that the server will be killed due to copyright violation assuming that you are not hosting in a county like the isle of man which will cost more than what you could ever make off of it regardless Great concept, ***** application....
  14. Or, depending on how strong your chinese is. You can get up to 36TB FREE storage (I pay for close to 200TB, and been using it for MANY years) Baidu PAN gives users 2TB (need android) Tencent's Weiyun gives users 10TB (need android) 360's YunPan gives users 36TB (10TB desktop + 26TB Android) You can use an android emulator like Bluestacks or Youwave to "fill" the android requirement!
  15. I know I have been saying it is coming for a few years now but a hell of a lot has happened in my life which is keeping me busy. I will probably git the code which I have done and someone can complete it if they really want to. Maybe things will get better shortly and I can fix the security issues that the hack, as it currently stands, opens....
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