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Everything posted by Revoxtical

  1. Try this : local region, checkbox = {}, {} for v in tostring(gg):gmatch('(REGION.-)\'') do table.insert(region, v) table.insert(checkbox, 'checkbox') end while true do local res = {} local prompt = gg.prompt(region, nil, checkbox) if prompt then for k, v in ipairs(prompt) do if v then table.insert(res, 'gg.'..region[k]) end end if res[1] then load('gg.setRanges(bit32.bxor('..table.concat(res, ',')..'))')() end else break end end
  2. What is wrong? This code has nothing wrong
  3. Yes. because for now there is no other method for checking debugging in gg. so they don't mind. just run the script again not with the restart button. Thanks
  4. ok thanks sir next time i can find a new method
  5. Don't use dump menu in gg and hide it
  6. Don't copy paste from forum getTargetInfo.lua
  7. local info = gg.getTargetInfo() gg.alert("About Info :\n\nPackage Name : "..info.packageName.."\nCode Version : "..info.versionCode.."\nGame Version : "..info.versionName.."\nGame uid : " ..info.uid.."\nGameGuardian Version : "..gg.VERSION)
  8. What do you mean? if you want a rar password you can pm me. I don't want to share passwords for the public
  9. 1_5104918052655333448_decRevo.rar For password rar pm me
  10. If you don't like your script decompiled, why don't you think of the game maker you cracked? they spend a lot of money and time than you. if your script doesn't want to be decompiled, don't share it. crackers don't know the creator and don't want to know him. no crackers no premiums free, no gameguardian applications and no this forum. Welcome to cyberspace
  11. Why makes decoding scripts too easy? if you don't want to crack this code. This is hacking forum so not a problem
  12. Because it's too easy to decode. There is no 1 minute I can full decode this script. So in the next update the creator can change their encryption method DecodeLuaGG.mp4
  13. Script Free Fire JeeZ 23-01-2019.Dec.lua
  14. https://gameguardian.net/forum/search/?&q=Prompt searchnumber&search_and_or=or Please use search engine in the forum before asking. Your question has been answered in other thread
  15. check my picture gg in your script is not use standart character
  16. This is can fix your script : You use not standart character. check your script if you copy paste from other script Remove 'goto START' then put the function ::START:: above ::sdone::
  17. if you use a function you have to put the script that runs first at the end of the script Example : With dot : ::home:: -- Always first run -- Your code goto exit -- Call function ::exit:: -- function os.exit() With function : function home() -- This is not run before you call this -- Your code exit() -- Call function end -- Add 'end' for finish function function exit() -- function os.exit() end home() -- Call function in the end of the script for first run
  18. You can't protect this bcz gg api not have hide searching process function and lua run in line by line not have multithread
  19. ::pkat:: do gg.toast('Please wait. Loading!') searchauto('98W;98W;125F') local a=gg.getResults(4) if gg.getResultCount() > 0 then freeze(a,'5480',2) freeze(a,'5480',3) freeze(a,'5480',4) aa = gg.alert('blabla','OK') end goto smth end Add gg.getResultCount()
  20. Place first run or call first run in last script function code() searchauto('183W;183W;125F') end -- i want this is run first function menu() blablabla.... code() end function searchauto(search) gg.searchNumber(search, gg.TYPE_AUTO, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) end --place first run or call first run in last script menu()
  21. place function in first then call in last function searchauto(search) gg.searchNumber(search, gg.TYPE_AUTO, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) end searchauto('183W;183W;125F')
  22. local val = gg.prompt({'Input value :'}, nil, {'number'}) if not val then gg.toast('Cancel') elseif tonumber(val[1]) then gg.searchNumber('1;2;3;4', gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.searchNumber('1', gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.getResults(10) gg.editAll(val[1], gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.clearResults() gg.toast('custom value edited') else gg.toast('Value invalid!') end
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