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Everything posted by P3RCY

  1. I don't get this point....? Can you explain more? I don't get what's the different between VIP+ version and normal GG version..
  2. When are you going to release the VIP+ version btw?
  3. If that is the case, I'd gladly purchase the vip+ version (:
  4. Haha, probably I've tried many ways.. Just gonna have to play it how they wanted us to play ><
  5. Ohh haha, that's why I couldn't find it! It's not there, and appmania doesn't have it on yet Thanks!
  6. Is this game in the market? I couldn't find it.. Maybe its not compatible with my phone >.>
  7. That's cool (: Maybe people then can upload their pictures of someone's hack as a proof that the hack works. Great idea!
  8. I wish I understand all this >.<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. P3RCY


      how to hack games so i can become like you guys o.o

    3. 770


      simple -

    4. P3RCY


      Thanks lol (:

  9. Thanks man! But you do realize, when you are buying the sheep you couldn't buy more than 5 (you should be able to really) even though you have 2000000000 coins. You should be able to buy more than 5 sheep but on the video, you kept buying the sheep, but you're not gaining anymore sheep You only have 5 because your money was at 2,500 coins in total. Its a seversided game D: It's so hard to hack >.> I did try what you did too, but when I log back in the game nothing has changed
  10. Thanks so much >.< Sorry to be a pain (:<
  11. I did exactly what you said but it still doesnt work... I am able to change the value of the coins and I saved it for example I locked the value at 34,000 coins and then I bought the Christmas house thing which costs 30,000 then the game died The game closed by itself. I also tried to buy cheaper things like animals for example cows, that didn't work either
  12. P3RCY

    Gg Froze

    Thanks a lot! It works now (:
  13. P3RCY

    Gg Froze

    Whenever I use a fuzzy search GG just stop and cashed? I don't know what happened but when ever i do the fuzzy search it always does it. I was searching on two games; tinyfarm and fairy farm both of them have the same outcome >.>
  14. The game itself couldn't actually detect the GameGuardian app, however I don't really know what to put in to actually hack the game, I did try to hack various ways but I couldn't do it The speed hack doesn't work, and to input the obvious number of the money and the bell doesn't work either.. Please help?
  15. Works Well, thank you!
  16. This doesn't work
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