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j03y last won the day on October 12 2014

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  1. i just used lucky patcher and it worked fine its just for the paid stuff that it hacks... i was able to get the crates free and when you open them if you dont like the stuff you got then you can sell it aka infinite money...and im on a non rooted phone on marshmallow 6.0 hope this helps.
  2. I 2nd this request
  3. I want this also
  4. Wen I did the step to download the playstore version and finish tut then login to mobage it doesnt give me all the money that was on my cloud save can this be fixed???
  5. Name of Requested File: Clash of Lords 2 Link To Download:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.igg.clashoflords2 Comments:unlimited everything plz n ty
  6. Name of Requested File:royal revolt 2 Link To Download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.flaregames.rrtournament Comments:unlimited everthing OR free iap and watevr els u think is modable thx in advance!
  7. It works on this game but what about others? My above post is from me using this app on other games. Please post a list in this thread of the games this app does work with thanks.
  8. It says I need to check my internet connection but I got full wifi connection wtf?!
  9. What do you mean by "add to game gaurdian"? Is that another app or this site? Plz be specific and add link if its an app thx
  10. Does an update check... needs an update
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