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Everything posted by HamidKhan22

  1. @DoDevilcan u read my pm. I Sent u a pm
  2. @FloatKey Hi bro do you know how to hack Level in gardenscapes??
  3. what about matchington Mansion???? u think u can do it??
  4. 64bit could be bc of this
  5. still not found maybe its only for you
  6. When i search this no values found for me bro
  7. @sodaface Also bro can u try hack season points.
  8. @Kronfeld can u give a screenshot of team leaderboard? i dont have it
  9. @Kronfeld
  10. @MonkeySAN can u try to hack level plz in Homescapes
  11. @MonkeySANTo make sure you got the item. 1st sign in to Facebook or gplay then install parallel space clone the app sign in and see if ur items is there
  12. Be patient guys there are working on a script. Btw Dnt wanna ask for method bc it will be patched so it's better to release a script then method being patched.
  13. Yes all thanks to NoFear Yes I did
  14. I agree with @ItsSC a script would be great. Making it public will make it patched
  15. Oky i pmed u the account incase u need it and also thanks for looking into it i appreciate it
  16. Lvl 30 to unlock this
  17. I tried but failed. I hope someone can do it [added 1 minute later] @NoFear can u look into it. It will be nice if u can do it. Also i can give my account so dnt have to play much let me know
  18. Thank u so much bro its working also can u hack golden ticket items i can hack the rewards but not the not main rewards like pets btw its Hackable some youtube named mark scooby did it. It willl be awesome if u can do it and share with us thanks again [added 1 minute later] It comes after lvl 30 u must be on low lvl btw stars coins etc i can hack but not the main rewards like pets and decorations
  19. Can u do something about golden ticket bro its Hackable some youtuber did it but wont share with us he did item swap i think like this. I try but i failed
  20. Can u do something about homescapes bro check my thread about it
  21. Yes. Its a match 3 game and when u start a lvl u have limited amount of moves. Hack moves if u can
  22. Can someone plz hack moves and share with us
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