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  1. Send zip of russian client, check pm pls i dont know what is it ))
  2. this is simple only for you)) but not for us
  3. Did it will be work with other regions client, non US(EN)?
  4. Someone help to make mod for other regions clients ((((( how to move changes
  5. Hi, thanks for all. I setup ENG client and try HBM and Duangeon mods - all work fine and it wonderfull But i need to mode Russian .apk, today game was updated and have version Lucky patcher dont see any patches for russian version and i dont know how to try move patches from ENG version to Russian i try to move libgame.so and libgam1.so to russian client \lib ditectory but this is dont work - game work but Dungeon mod dont start working and after end of Dungeon i have disconect. Try to copy libgame.so to ENG moded client and use patched libgam1.so but client connect to ENG server and thats all.... Pls give some information about how to make patches visible for russian client, or make moded russian client. Thanks to all very much. help me )
  6. Give me email of this "maxxis" if it work, and one question if any one test it for any other region from english?
  7. today upcome new version in China .. **.2.7
  8. root is no problem, i dont use no rooted phone ever )))))
  9. Thank you very much )))) i will try to test it on hollyday's maybe it will work fester on my PC too ))
  10. Thanks i will be wait for it, thanks one more time
  11. you dont understand, i have normally machine - 16Gb RAM, SSD, i7 QM but in BlueStacks game work much better and fester - i dont feel any problems, try to run in genymotion and set 1-2-4 CPU, 512-1024-2048 RAM and choose much device versions but game all time work very slow and stupid, on my base when it full of mobs i cant normally move, in arena or dugeon all work fine but HBM and attacks of other users this is epic s***.
  12. What is you setting to play normally in genymotion? Try 5 devices VM but Castle Clash work very bad - slow and with breakdowns...... setting optimal what use it 2GB of memory and resoluiton 800*600 with 2 processors, but this is ***** s*** ))) BlueStacks working better/......
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