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  1. Anybody know if this honor badge trick is fixed in the new update?
  2. Mine is an AMD Phenom II 940, asrock A770DE+ motherboard. I tried disabling openGL in genymotion settings and disabling AMD-V in virtualbox. No go for me.
  3. That's supposed to be similar to AMD-V. It looks like good support for AMD-V and intel VT didn't occur until later processors. That could be the problem.
  4. Oh well, I give up for now.... Back to bluestacks.
  5. As expected, switching to the 8600GTS didn't help.
  6. Which CPU? I'm on a Phenom II 940. I forgot this mobo doesn't have onboard graphics haha. I powered it off and opened it up before I realized it. I think I have an 8600GTS sitting around I could try throwing in
  7. Hmm... That's a good point. I could just rip out the GPU and try the onboard graphics. I'm guessing my motherboard isn't playing nicely with the AMD-V in my CPU. Or there's some BIOS setting somewhere that's messing things up.
  8. If you copy the VM directory to the deployed folder and open the .vbox file in virtualbox, the VM shows up in genymotion.
  9. Tried those things... no go. I'm about to give up on this. I'm not signed into the genymotion cloud, but I doubt that'll change things.
  10. Yeah it's still not working. I tried it on windows 7 64-bit, ubuntu 13.10 32 and 64 bit. Updated the video and chipset drivers. Disabled cool n' quiet. Updated BIOS. I'm not sure what else to try. I'm trying it on another computer, but it's a POS atom ion, so I doubt it'll work on there. Do I need to isntall the ARM translator? I'm assuming your version already had that installed.
  11. Yep, I enabled 3d acceleration and it still didn't work. I'm at work now so I can't fully troubleshoot. I'll try increasing video memory if I can get into my computer from here.
  12. Do you guys mind telling me your genymotion version, your CPU, and your video card?
  13. My guess is it's the AMD processor even though it has AMD-V Yes, I tried updating the NVIDIA drivers. I also installed ubuntu, updated nvidia drivers, and it's still not working Will try some more solutions tomorrow.
  14. Albert, any chance you can send out your computer specs? I'm trying to find the problem with mine. I'm guessing it could also be the AMD processor.
  15. I'm using a NVIDIA 9600 GT. I'll install linux and see if it works better in there.
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