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noobsthename last won the day on September 25 2015

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  1. Hey, you are probably not searching for proper values, the value for legendary heros is 1081711002. Here is a link to the list of all the hero search values and the numbers corresponding to which hero. https://app.box.com/s/9xhi5i1pvu6kpmp7aqtl
  2. Wow this is awesome. Can't wait to get home and try it out!! Amazing work Jenneh.
  3. People on this forum don't really understand how hard it is to hack a game like this and they won't until they actually try... It takes a lot of trial and error and time.. lots of time and they don't appreciate it.. Well some of us do
  4. When I click it, it just minimizes bluestacks to the right of the screen... then a message in chinese pops up... any advice?
  5. Jenneh you're a beast. I feel like you spend all day on this forum. I'm pretty satisfied with vip content but I think there should be more advanced IDA and other tutorial vids to hack games that are almost entirely server side.
  6. Welcome Samantha... We need more girls on this forum... Hahah
  7. Hey guys, addicted gamer and fellow cheater here. I'm currently teaching myself to use IDA to mod games. I've already "done" several games but they were based on tutorials I found. I'm currently working my way through harder games. Looking to be an active member!
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