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Androcephalous last won the day on September 23 2021

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  1. Yeah I don't know anything about scripts.
  2. I set the address range between 80000000 and 9FFFFFFF Ok so start a new match. First search 0. Go ahead and refine 0 once. Use desired skill and while the timer counts down do unknown value increased refine. If you're fast enough before the skill is ready and still counting down search decreased after the first. Once the skill is ready search 0. Repeat several times. After that I usually have about 12 results and I use the skill, open game guardian and look at the list. Pick the one that's moved to a number between 0 and 10000. Freeze it at 0. I hope this is descriptive enough. I made a recording in nox but I won't be home until tomorrow morning. If anyone knows a way to make this faster let me know. I have 3 windows always take the first that doesn't say debugger
  3. Ok so for the skill the seconds left are in the thousands. So 10 sec = 10xxxx etc. Resting at 0. Makes it pretty fast to find. Works in all modes. Works great but spam fireblast seemed a bit obvious lol.
  4. Theres gotta be a specific way to do it. First few times I did it, it gave the skill upgrades. The very last it didn't. I know the last I set from 15 to 1. Not sure on the other times.
  5. That's good. That means the other will work. If you do level... Set it to 15. Die then set it to a lower level and kill something. It'll run you all the way up to 15. Annoying to try and do these searches every match.
  6. Not sure what you mean. All these have only been tried vs CPU so I guess I can't say they're 100% I'll play around more tomorrow. Did skill refresh. When it's loaded the value is 0. While it's counting down it's some crazy numbers. Searched 0 dword and while it was counting down kept doing unknown changed. Once I locked a skill at 0 it worked. Again I did this vs CPU so I don't know. Currencies seem to be server sided.
  7. Haven't got far enough to examine currencies. In battle you can change level and hack the balls. This also means cool down times are open to exploit. Changing level is fine but I think hacking the balls to go undetected would be too time consuming, on the other hand if you set them at say 1000 and dunked it all at once itd be pretty obvious.
  8. I know this is old, but if anyone's interested Ive got it figured out.
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