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    GT-I9001, WM8850-MID
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  1. Welcone aboard the happy band of cheaters :3
  2. Basically i'd try further decreasing/increasing the value and/or widening search range and bytes.
  3. There are tutorials on using Gameguardian etc. filed under Gameguardian->Android
  4. Descreed


    Uhm, wrong chat category, i believe ._.
  5. By all accounts gta has always had cheats of it's own, i'm sure they're somewhere out there, waiting to be found
  6. Works also with GameGuardian
  7. Greetings. I joined this site mostly to find cheats and better my GameGuardian user knowledge. I am currently myself exploring possibilities of breaking the world of magic, but alone it is no easy task. As server based as a game may be, it is not bulletproof. So far i have found a few little tweaks lasting roughly ten seconds, but soon enough the vulnerability shall be exposed. Also, i will see to participate in any things going on here. I am no "pro", but i have my shareof experience on altering :3
  8. These days automatically disconnects as you take a step forward. Real challenge this twom.
  9. Agreed. The world of magic needs modding. If nothing else, it would at least present a worthy challemge. The server seems very strict about alteration of any given sequence, be it gold, drop rates or quantities of value/items alike.
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