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Everything posted by APEXggV2

  1. Version v03


    You can Quickly edit lib offsets for testing hacks. Or search Public Class Field Offsets. Enter lib Offset or Method Name Select Edit Option Enter Value (Int,Float,Double,Long) Copy Arm Hex or "Script it" Perfect to quickly and easily test offsets from dump.cs Works on all lib types, Not Just Unity/libil2cpp Script is Online for easy updates. Open Source / Not Encrypted
  2. Attached is a pdf file that clearly explains how to make op codes for any value and type. The methods are specifically for GameGuardian, explaining common errors and how to fix. Any Value, Any Type. (Bool, Float, Double, Long/Qword, Int/Dword) GameGuardian-ARM-OPCodes--APEX[GG]v2.pdf
  3. x=gg.getResults(10) gg.clearResults() for i, v in ipairs(x) do b=tonumber(v.address-10000) c=tonumber(v.address+10000) gg.searchNumber("1.2",64,false,gg.SIGN_EQUAL,b, c) z=gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) gg.addListItems(z) gg.clearResults() end gg.loadResults(gg.getListItems())
  4. View File Value to ARM Hex Converter This script can convert any value of any type to ARM Hex x32 and x64. Option to copy to clipboard. Also logs all entry into print. (the bit of process does not need to match the bit of the ARM you want converted. Requires gameguardian v 101.1 Submitter APEXggV2 Submitted 03/24/2024 Category Tools  
  5. Version v06


    This script can convert any value of any type to ARM Hex x32 and x64. Option to copy to clipboard. Also logs all entry into print. (the bit of process does not need to match the bit of the ARM you want converted. Requires gameguardian v 101.1
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