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  1. can share what emulator you guys using to play mario kart tour?
  2. iceyzz

    Pokemon Quest

    Cause is not DWORD
  3. iceyzz

    Pokemon Quest

    @NoFear can share how to hack the decorations??
  4. iceyzz

    Pokemon Quest

    Name of Game: Pokemon Quest Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk?https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.pokemon.pokemonquest Version: 1 What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: Cooking Materials, IAP Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?:I am able to hack and freeze the cooking material, but not sure how can I modify the value.
  5. Thanks ??
  6. Name of Game: Brutal Street 2 Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bpgames.bs2.and&hl=en Version: 0.9.20(26) What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: Gold and Gem Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: Cant find Value
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