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  1. hellohowru

    A question

    bro why is everyone here so high rank When does the hand go away?! I’m not that new
  2. hellohowru

    A question

    oh ok
  3. hellohowru

    A question

    thank all of u guys for answering cant believe there is only 3 grandmaster btw can anyone explain why i have this blue hand at the top right of my profile?
  4. hellohowru

    Vmos ( android 12 )

    send what vmos says, perhaps I can translate i know how to read and write over 700 characters
  5. hellohowru


    how is there a 239 version of game guardian?
  6. hellohowru

    A question

    wow, were u like surprised bro i never knew there is a maximum post per day lol, cant post anymore
  7. hellohowru

    A question

    oh i didn’t know, so were u already grandmaster when they first added all the badges and status?
  8. hellohowru

    A question

    wow u responded, i have only seen two grandmaster one is you the other is enyby. Thanks for your reply i go on gg everyday. but how long did it take you? to get on the highest rank
  9. hellohowru

    A question

    Does anyone know how long it takes to get on grandmaster level? cuz i see lots of people on mentor level but only two that are on grandmaster One of the grandmaster level is enyby (of course)
  10. He will probably fix it? idk hopefully he will, or maybe the devs patched it since that was a major glitch
  11. thanks for your help
  12. i think it is because it only works on an arm 64
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