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Everything posted by Pivo58

  1. How do i modify arguments of functions like that?
  2. Can't implement it into any script because of impossibility of obfuscation, even some minifiers break it resulting it being unable to find any values
  3. So yeah, LDR R1, [R0] Will load r0 into r1 but how do i turn r0 into my value and especially how do i make this in gameguardian. Could you please send any screenshots of some already edited LDRs in gameguardian, i want to know how does the structure looks like (or sequence idk how do i call it correctly)
  4. like how? If i will replace ldr with mov then absolutely nothing happens and even the game doesn't crash
  5. Your guide is really helpful, i know how to patch float and double offsets now but i still don't understand how to edit LDR Could you please make a video editing a LDR opcode or an edited result of the LDR opcode in my question?
  6. So i have an arm64 opcode like LDR S0, [X0,#0x230] RET How do i edit it to return my value like MOV W0, #123 or FMOV S0, #0x40400000 Videos would be very appreciated because i'm very bad at english and it's hard for me to understand complicated texts
  7. DLLs are already unpacked in the apk/data/somedirectories/ so I didn't dump'd them
  8. No it only has libs like libmono, libunity and libmain
  9. How can i use offsets from mono games? Which lib do i need to target? Which value type i need to edit? // Token: 0x17000352 RID: 850 // (get) Token: 0x06001DAA RID: 7594 RVA: 0x000A1D04 File Offset: 0x0009FF04 public short RestAmmoAmount { [CompilerGenerated] get { return this._restAmmoAmount; } }
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