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Everything posted by XEKEX

  1. it does crush and ban u bc for example u have 1 value .. there is 5 values related to it u need to change 3 of them also u need to pause the game bc xor encryp need 3 values to be changed at the same time
  2. they use double xor encryption on the 4 pointer above the value u trying to use
  3. if u use the script then re-open it will give u that error try to restart the game ty
  4. View File iMonster Classic Item Hack By XEKEX V Drop Cheat +This Hack Provide you with all maps drops/Items as u want (limited in map 1-1 ~ 1-4) --- Can Change during adventure Box Cheat + Box changer (Fixed) --- Use it only after You finish the the adventure (U get the loot even if img / desc ingame doesn't change proof in screenshots) Please read Alerts in the Scrip they are how to use and not advertising thank you. if u get a problem / error comment below I'll try to quick fix Submitter XEKEX Submitted 07/21/2022 Category LUA scripts  
  5. Version 2


    Drop Cheat +This Hack Provide you with all maps drops/Items as u want (limited in map 1-1 ~ 1-4) --- Can Change during adventure Box Cheat + Box changer (Fixed) --- Use it only after You finish the the adventure (U get the loot even if img / desc ingame doesn't change proof in screenshots) Please read Alerts in the Scrip they are how to use and not advertising thank you. if u get a problem / error comment below I'll try to quick fix
  6. try to open the chest u'll get the desired chest loot , and if u restart the game the chest u picked is in ur loot. i'll fix it asap
  7. View File Text to Dword Search Converter convert text to dward search (for easy public const string search) *this tool is beta* *comment if any error found ty ☺* Submitter XEKEX Submitted 07/15/2022 Category Tools  
  8. execute the script then go to map 1-1 the chests and barrel gives u wufu blessing box after u return to the main lobby use the script to change the box
  9. Version 1.1.0


    convert text to dward search (for easy public const string search) *this tool is beta* *comment if any error found ty ☺*
  10. View File iMonster Classic simple Item Hack By XEKEX In this Script *)Give u free Item box InGame *)Change the Box u get later Submitter XEKEX Submitted 07/14/2022 Category LUA scripts  
  11. Version 1.0.0


    In this Script *)Give u free Item box InGame *)Change the Box u get later
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