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Everything posted by XEKEX

  1. ALTERNATIVE MODDING : after you load the lib in IDA pro (The game must have LIBC maybe not in some cases) connect ur phone with ur PC and download frida instrument in ur pc also vscode and adb ( go to youtube how to download frida / adb ) create a file in your workspace like "test.js" in test.js write this basic hook code : this code will hook the lib u put it and log it's base adress same as game guardian. after that go to IDA pro and find what function u want to hook for example from this tutorial : MonsterUnit::getMaxHP() after u searched for the function click on it and copy this part : Go back to test.js and write this code : What does this function is to log the R0 and the Return value of the function (you can change args[0] to any R1 .. R2 .. etc ) Finally : attach ur phone to ur pc via usb in terminal write adb devices to make sure adb is active then from vscode terminal write : frida -Uf the game bandlle name com.somthing -l .\test.js --no-pause -U means usb f mean force -l means the file to inject --no-pause a parameter to frida to doesnt pause the game by default NOTE : the scipt only console log the values to change the args just make args[0] = the value u want (should be in hex 0x) to change the return value : retval.replace(0xthe value u want in hex) WHY FRIDA ? * MOD the game realtime without changing the lib or game files * You can change the SCRIPT while it's running * You can Bypass root detection / SSL pinning from the game * Undetected from server-side bc it clone the lib u hooked on the script and perform trampoline hook for all it's functions * U just need a little javascript / py knowledge Frida Repo ---> frida.re A tuto found in youtube --> Tuto (in the tuto he use libil2cpp.so(debbugable = true) and the app should have libc in their lib file or frida won't work you can make it work by hooking java function instead of IDA use jadx note : MORE ADVANCED) ------------------------------------------------------ "From my experince with frida I hooked encrypt function in a game and from that hook I successfully decrypt all the data from requests and Hack the game server-side with burpsuite & frida "
  2. Thank you for your comment I'll include them asap
  3. Thank you for your comment , Free Upgrade Tier have been fixed please redownload the script Free Assembly (works I tested on my device )
  4. If u are using 32bit this might help u but u need to do it manually the value u searched copy it's address then go to offset calculator paste the address and for offset type -0x6b0 then save the address u get from offset calculator long press and click go to pointer then go down by 2 addresses and the 2ed address should be colored in yellow same again go to pointer and don't forget to enable string representative in memory you should read the class name 2 letters by 2 letters Mr.Dragon Star explained it in depth in his yt channel you can look up for his video :
  5. if u attach gg to grim soul and it write next to its name x64 then the script wont work to solve it downlaod the game from any websites that provide apk then open the apk as zip and search for armv8 folder and delete it if u didnt find it then the apk is 32 bit (armv8 for 64bit and armv7 for 32bit)
  6. View File Grim Soul RPG Item Hack Script ( Final Update ) • This will be the last script update for this game • (Please read "About This Update") CREDITS : ALL BY ME AKA XEKEX Submitter XEKEX Submitted 11/19/2022 Category LUA scripts  
  7. Version Final


    • This will be the last script update for this game • (Please read "About This Update") CREDITS : ALL BY ME AKA XEKEX
  8. XEKEX

    Need help in script

    if u want to use it in gg.alert/gg.toast functions u need to change the value to a string to print it gg.toast(tostring(the Qword value))
  9. in_module_name not declared line 84 : miss write String I'm not 64x user so i can't test it but good work if possible 32 bit I'd like to inject frida in and make conversation between the script and the lib injected
  10. it does crush and ban u bc for example u have 1 value .. there is 5 values related to it u need to change 3 of them also u need to pause the game bc xor encryp need 3 values to be changed at the same time
  11. they use double xor encryption on the 4 pointer above the value u trying to use
  12. if u use the script then re-open it will give u that error try to restart the game ty
  13. View File iMonster Classic Item Hack By XEKEX V Drop Cheat +This Hack Provide you with all maps drops/Items as u want (limited in map 1-1 ~ 1-4) --- Can Change during adventure Box Cheat + Box changer (Fixed) --- Use it only after You finish the the adventure (U get the loot even if img / desc ingame doesn't change proof in screenshots) Please read Alerts in the Scrip they are how to use and not advertising thank you. if u get a problem / error comment below I'll try to quick fix Submitter XEKEX Submitted 07/21/2022 Category LUA scripts  
  14. Version 2


    Drop Cheat +This Hack Provide you with all maps drops/Items as u want (limited in map 1-1 ~ 1-4) --- Can Change during adventure Box Cheat + Box changer (Fixed) --- Use it only after You finish the the adventure (U get the loot even if img / desc ingame doesn't change proof in screenshots) Please read Alerts in the Scrip they are how to use and not advertising thank you. if u get a problem / error comment below I'll try to quick fix
  15. try to open the chest u'll get the desired chest loot , and if u restart the game the chest u picked is in ur loot. i'll fix it asap
  16. View File Text to Dword Search Converter convert text to dward search (for easy public const string search) *this tool is beta* *comment if any error found ty ☺* Submitter XEKEX Submitted 07/15/2022 Category Tools  
  17. execute the script then go to map 1-1 the chests and barrel gives u wufu blessing box after u return to the main lobby use the script to change the box
  18. Version 1.1.0


    convert text to dward search (for easy public const string search) *this tool is beta* *comment if any error found ty ☺*
  19. View File iMonster Classic simple Item Hack By XEKEX In this Script *)Give u free Item box InGame *)Change the Box u get later Submitter XEKEX Submitted 07/14/2022 Category LUA scripts  
  20. Version 1.0.0


    In this Script *)Give u free Item box InGame *)Change the Box u get later
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