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Everything posted by zolotov_official0

  1. Script ended: Loading time 100000 load list -> 0.00000000000000007 Loading time 100000 setValues -> 5699.009999999902684 Before arguing, you yourself should raise the level of knowledge.
  2. why do you continue to use these ancient methods of patching, there are loadlists that are faster and easier to update and take less code and are more amenable to obfuscation
  3. this is a method offset NOT a field.
  4. I have offsets in il2cpp, this is not a search in some kind of anonymus
  5. buddy what kind of freeze is it generally a change in the library where the values cannot be returned, I have not so much a noob question lol.
  6. no. i have no problems with dump or patch of functions, once again i have a problem that the function will work only if it is run in the game lobby if i try to run this function already in the game then i will not see the result, i.e. the game in the lobby creates certain parameters that cannot be changed in the game. My question is how can I change these settings in the game and not in the game lobby.
  7. Standoff 2 game, update method hook I saw on Lover1500 channel like this
  8. There is a game in which functions only work if they are included in the lobby, I know that you can somehow hook the Update() methods in the right classes so that the functions are launched not only in the lobby, please explain.
  9. you can look in the dump for something like isPremium and return true.
  10. zolotov_official0

    script decoded

    you will find
  11. zolotov_official0

    script decoded

    any lua disassembler, i use sstool
  12. in GG settings set freeze interval to 0 (default is 33000).
  13. group search
  14. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) gg.searchNumber('1072861020;152727:21', gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.refineNumber('152727', gg.TYPE_DWORD) local dwordNumber = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) local qwordNumber = {} qwordNumber[1] = {} qwordNumber[1]['flags'] = gg.TYPE_QWORD qwordNumber[1]['address'] = dwordNumber[1]['address'] + 0x28 qwordNumber = gg.getValues(qwordNumber) gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber(qwordNumber[1]['value'], gg.TYPE_QWORD) local get = gg.getResults(2700) print(get) could write myself.
  15. you can use an offset, but this will require the first lookup
  16. do not be afraid that il2cpp is not displayed in the Code App, this is the default, if you want to load load lists or just patch values, gg.getRangesList('libil2cpp.so')[1].start will help you.
  17. this region does not have static addresses like the Code App, you can’t use offsets, only search.
  18. gg.searchNumber('100', gg.TYPE_QWORD) local varTable = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) for i=1,#varTable do print(varTable[i]['value']) end if you show your code, I can give a more accurate answer, but the principle of work will be the same.
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