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Everything posted by nok1a

  1. Will be honest. You can't really defend from that, maybe make it harder for someone to find it using pointers and fake searches...etc. All type of redundant stuff to waste someone his time. Accept that when you make script and use GG function and offset calculations or anything that's in the script people can get it.
  2. I don't think you can make a DWORD value infinity. If the number is more then what can be represented in DWORD then you need to select another type. I believe infinity only exist with floating point numbers.
  3. I don't really get it. You want to unlock images that are currently locked because the game will shut down? And then keep that as a new apk? If this game is online they will just shut down the servers and the game will not be playable anymore unless you run your own server i believe.
  4. If this game is Unity have you tried speedhack finder: Auto speedhack finder (#57uzsb98)
  5. You won't believe it but i found the value in a totally difference process:
  6. I think the logic remains the same. But since the values are in region Other you might need to change a setting in the GG app. Put memory areas on Empty or No(Slow). Like here: No results found after searching copied values from the memory view (#ra89asn) @mindfulanswer
  7. Oke maybe the algorithm is different. Have you tried just using unknown search - changed for each time you continue the path? If you just want to edit the stats without gold or progress you can overwrite existing script with this one so you win every battle: main.dd2c5021e47dbf813d5d.js Original code: return Fu(t, e), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "life", { get: function() { return this._lifeStat.value }, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "lifeMax", { get: function() { return this._lifeStat.maxValue }, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "defense", { get: function() { return this._defenseStat.value }, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "attackLow", { get: function() { return this._attackStat.lowestValue }, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "attackHigh", { get: function() { return this._attackStat.value }, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "speed", { get: function() { return this._speedStat.value }, Changed to: return Fu(t, e), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "life", { get: function() { return 1000000 }, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "lifeMax", { get: function() { return 1000000 }, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "defense", { get: function() { return 1000000 }, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "attackLow", { get: function() { return 1000000 }, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "attackHigh", { get: function() { return 1000000 }, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "speed", { get: function() { return 1000000 },
  8. Oke and you did as in this video, correct? https://youtu.be/0HUNesMSmTI?si=nL9fJdeEQvQ8NhZX
  9. It's different on emulators apparently. So i just puzzled around in the directory folders. And i believe the file responsible for the values in the game is stored at /data/app/com.keeweed.pathofadventure-Cakb2P0ZsunlZCe-vhEn-Q==/base.apk\assets\www, there is a js script starting with main. Did some random changes in the file as i don't know javascript and then saved the changes. And apparently the changes take effect. But i don't know JS so it was just a random edit in the file. Someone else that know JS can easily edit that file. Or you can ask chatgpt to help you with it. Once i know how to read the file accordingly i will for sure share the edited version with you. Aside from that, are you running x86/x86_64 because i recall for some native game that also had the logic build in javascript(i guess) that the logic worked different for those architectures.
  10. Are you on emulator?
  11. Data type: Dword Region: Other(for my device) Formula: stats = current value * 2
  12. Personally dunno how the GG speed works but maybe if you run GG and the game in a virtual space like F1VM or x8Sandbox? And your not on a emulator or anything running x86_64, x86 instead of ARM or ARM 64 bit ?
  13. Yeah it's encrypted. I can't help you with decrypting it. But when you play the game you can see the methods, fields structs...etc. So in the game the main things haven't changed that much. You just need to find a way to cheat the things you want without relying on that encrypted metadata. But i think there are some tutorials on the internet that explain you how to decrypt a metadata. Maybe check the platinmods forum. What you can also try is dump a older version of the game where the files aren't encrypted and then search the names with GG.
  14. il2cpp dumper doesn't recognize it as a valid metadata file. To be honest, the header doesn't make much sense. Which game is that? I guess you manually edited the first 4 bytes?
  15. You used autospeedhack finder and the speed increased? Just not the right speed? Or how you mean. What you want to speedup in pokcet mortys?
  16. You probably need to explain more specific.
  17. Hi, what is not working?
  18. You can't control what others do with your script. Be expected it can be shared soon or later.
  19. If you know the offset already you long press the value that is in the list and use offset calculator. For you it's -0x8 away from original value. See a tutorial video: Angry Birds - hack coins, gems - offset calculator - GameGuardian (#5i263yxj) If that's what you meant. With offset calculator you jump directly to the address you want to using the value in the list as a base address to calculate from.
  20. You need to know how to edit that specific encrypted value?
  21. Saving an address usually doesn't workout. You use group search and/or offsets. If with dump you mean the dump.cs that you get from using a il2cppdumper then you should use the RVA offset and add it to the based address of the lib.
  22. how to go to pointer in fast way (#7gm7bz0w) Assuming all the values in the result list are pointers. Script will load the values as the new addresses in the result list. Pretty much same as "Go to pointer".
  23. nok1a

    Changed !

    https://gameguardian.net/help/classgg.html#aa6e630607d1378da33bf34203a81ea66 gg.searchFuzzy('0', gg.SIGN_FUZZY_NOT_EQUAL) -- value changed
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