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Everything posted by kp249

  1. Nvm, sorted. BTW is there any way to get immortality, permanent shield, boost etc?
  2. Guys, could you help get more candy canes? Explanation videos are gone from here Merry Christmas!
  3. Could you repost please image? It's gone. Thanks.
  4. 1 thing I can't sort out. Despite all PVP avatar frames unlocked I can't use them. Maybe someone more skilled than me could take a look?
  5. Sry, wrong section. ID's were for Galaxy Invaders.
  6. All current id's attached. GL alien shooter.txt
  7. MonkeySAN thank you. Worked with your guide. I made a list with all items numbers if anyone need.
  8. Don't work for me. I put the same string, 0 results. Why you put 18 as first value? Current amount of keys? So I should use 14 in my case. Not work either
  9. Yes, I need pvp keys which I have 14 atm. The rest is already sorted out.
  10. Hello. I need help with: Galaxy Invaders - Alien Shooter There are gems, hard to obtain in game. I have 14 as on attached screenshot. I can't increase or decrease this value. Is there any way to find where this value is located and edit it? Thanks.
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