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Everything posted by Farmeriscool

  1. Holy s*** you still hack on gg? Nice I guess
  2. Search your cash amount and add X4 on the end (DWORD) Edit it to 9999999X4 Worked for me
  3. Decrease value search ect ez
  4. You downgraded to a flip phone?
  5. I dont get what your saying just that you want to not use editAll Example 1 is using edit all but let's say I want to edit just 3 gg.searchNumber("1;2;3;4::23", gg.TYPE_URTYPE) gg.refineNumber("3", gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.getResults(1) gg.editAll("val", gg.TYPE_URTYPE) That will only edit value 3 But now let me show you a different method without editAll local s gg.searchNumber("1;2;3;4::23", gg.TYPE_URTYPE) s = gg.getResults(AMOUNT) for i,v in ipairs(s) do if v.value == "3" and v.flags == "TYPE" then v.value = "amount" end end
  6. Oh I have a laptop and a pc I just dont like going on them
  7. Any programs to do this on without pc?
  8. So let's say my default spawn gun walkspeed value is 2.4. You search 2.4 and if it hasnt got loads of addresses or wont crash you when you make it into the script just make sure you have that weapon out And then changing the gun wont lower your walkspeed as long as you freeze it
  9. So in most fps games when you change your weapon itl make you go faster/ or slower I scan Unknown value (DWORD, FLOAT, DOUBLE, depends on the game) So what I would do is change my weapon to my knife or any gun that will make me run faster then i scan increased value And then change back to a gun that makes me run slower then scan Decreased So I keep changing back and fourth scanning each time until I find the correct value -Happy new year
  10. For fps (shooter games) you can do search unknown value change weapon to knife and search increase then switch back search Decreased keep doing that until you find it
  11. Ok so did figure out inf durability but I cant make it into code I've made a walk through wall script but it crashes some times I found the value that makes all animals/mobs white Its rather easy to do
  12. Il give it a go in a minute
  13. It could be done over server then which is probably impossible to change but my last suggestion is to Do a unknown value search (PUT IT ON AUTO I KNOW ITL TAKE A WHILE) Make the axe lose durability then scan Decreased then scan unchanged (not needed but it makes it 10 times faster) And keep decreasing the durability and scanning Decreased eventually you should find the value. if it doesnt work then it's done by server Have fun.
  14. I dont really understand what you are saying but have you tried Crafting the axe(obviously) you say the axes durability is 50 yes? Then search 50 (could be dword,float,double,byte ect thats for you to find out) So after you searched 50 Hit a tree or do anything that could lower the durability, if you know the durability value after lowering it then search that number if not press the microscope with the "?" On the image Then press Decreased Keep lowering the durability and searching the value and then eventually you should find it. Ps 50;50 is a group search which you dont need to do Hope I helped if not reply back I'm happy to help
  15. What game was that
  16. Oh I'm on exynos I think its harder
  17. View File Forward Assault under the map After executing the script you should be under the map If you want to go higher its negitive numbers And lower is positive numbers Example: I want to go higher so I do -99 Example: I want to go lower so I do 99 I will be updating to add more stuff soon as I've been busy Submitter Farmeriscool Submitted 12/19/2020 Category LUA scripts  
  18. Version 1.0.0


    After executing the script you should be under the map If you want to go higher its negitive numbers And lower is positive numbers Example: I want to go higher so I do -99 Example: I want to go lower so I do 99 I will be updating to add more stuff soon as I've been busy
  19. Farmeriscool

    How to make esp

    So I saw someone on YouTube make a pubg esp by changing the value 0.5 Do you have any idea how he figured out that 0.5 allowed him to see people through walls or is it just trial and error?
  20. @WhoKnowsWho Do you know of any other games I can try it on?
  21. I've got it working on a fake csgo game do you have any other games I can try it on?
  22. Holy s*** I got it to work thanks man
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