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Everything posted by Unnamed1

  1. Unnamed1

    The Battle Cats

    Battle cars detect what os ur using For Vphonegaga is other X8 Anonymous Other virtual Cb
  2. Yes Thanks! I thought no one understands my request thank you so much!
  3. Thanks for the help this what exactly im looking for Yes Indeed This what im saying thanks for the people who understands!!
  4. Umm i tried it and still pop up the yes or no i need to get rid of it after i actually Downloaded the file in the first place any idea for it really be helpful i cant find any of this topic so might as well ask for help
  5. Well I made it download but now i need to Know how to Actually stop the pop up after it completely download since the file already there and ready to execute in the main lua heres the example i wanted to remove Would be helpful if anyone can help thanks! Record_2022-12-15-18-43-53_607bdd22fe69f77fcb7d6df7648bb058.mp4
  6. I now know it Thank you very much and i appreciate the tutorial you gave me:D
  7. Ok Now i get it first value is 798 cutted 997 Now how about the 0xD290?
  8. From Xa And one adress but i don't understand because i tried making sane as yours and failed
  9. Ok i knowledge it but in my case how you got 0xC798 and 0xD290 Also A Full Tut Can Be A Great Help But appreciate Your Help Towards to me!
  10. Ok how about this help me sir This is the offset of the first enemy 0x997798 how do i Find the rest using GameGuardian Search? Its all 0 when i search it near the offset it should only bring that any idea sir thank you:D
  11. Ok so its the Unlock all cats Offset yes im correct thanks! But bow about unlock all Enemy Guide?
  12. I Used it as decentration but i really need it for like unlock all Worlds i already find the val but cannot search offset since its multiple and ifi do it 1 by 1 kinda hurt since its like 100+ thanks if u can help me i used the freeze to actually kill my enemy base for now im needing to actually search multiple to unlock Like Enemy Upgrades so on on multiple! thanks if you understand im really new to Lua Scripting
  13. Its Unlock All Cats I cant find and how to search it i tried record script and no it just give me 0 any idea? Really need it for more stuff im needing
  14. Any idea group search adress since its 690 I wanted to search with following the main adress since i tried it on old adress and not work only Saw 0 the adress on my script 7846F75290 What to do
    Update pleas there are v3.3.9
  15. How about this one pleas try modification https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.excean.parallelspace
  16. Can you try your best to crack it and just take away all google thing so i can on my blockman go this is the space work on blockman go parralell spacw keep crashing pleas
  17. Hello can you update The Battle Cats Script Plsss The Battle Cats Version is now 9.10 and its no longer working properly plsss
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