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  1. Oh, man! I already have a database and connect to my script using php! My problem is that there is no method for receiving device IDs! And maybe it's a problem for you and me I created the Ankulua script, and there they have a method for receiving device ID: getDeviceID() I wish GG had it
  2. I create a database, when a user registers with my script on their device, the script creates a file containing the information and it is also sent to the database and saved to the database database. when the user logs in, the information in the previously saved file will be sent to the database and compared by php sorry my english is very bad!
  3. I know what you mean! but i have no knowledge about java/smali. Where can I see instructions?
  4. Yes I understand what you mean, I tried reading files build.pro but some do not allow, if there is a method of reading Android ID is good
  5. @HEROGAMEOfficial My script is encrypted with SELGG, and it's decrypted and shared for free by others! That's not good for me
  6. Yes, we can't tell users to encrypt it
  7. What did I say wrong
  8. I'm not interested in creating an encryption tool, it's just that my script creates a key on the user's device! Do you know what I mean
  9. I mean, when I create it's encrypted, not using any other tools anymore
  10. Hi @HEROGAMEOfficial my device doesn't allow access to /sdcard/ so it got an error like in the picture! but can access the path /storage/emulated/0/ So I have a small suggestion: change the path to /storage/emulated/0/ if /sdcard/ is inaccessible!
  11. i don't understand what you mean, i tried with a piece of code like this, and when i click cancel the menu is always hidden, no matter what menu! X = {"A","B"} function A() menu = gg.choice(X,nil,"Menu A") if menu == 1 then B() end if menu == 1 then B() end Homedm = -1 end function B() menu = gg.choice(X,nil,"Menu B") if menu == 1 then C() end if menu == 1 then C() end Homedm = -1 end function C() menu = gg.choice(X,nil,"Menu C") if menu == 1 then A() end if menu == 1 then A() end Homedm = -1 end while true do if gg.isVisible(true) then Homedm = 1 gg.setVisible(false) end if Homedm == 1 then A() end end
  12. @CmP For example, the menu above is menu A and I have another menu B, can I transfer the data of menu A to menu B? only the data selected in menu A will appear in menu B! and how to not get error when i click cancel in prompt
  13. i did like this and it works! gg.refineNumber("2219816", gg.TYPE_DWORD) local count = gg.getResultsCount() local results = gg.getResults(count) for i, v in ipairs(results) do v.address = v.address + -16 end local values_1 = gg.getValues(results) gg.refineNumber("6", gg.TYPE_DWORD) local count = gg.getResultsCount() local results = gg.getResults(count) for i, v in ipairs(results) do v.address = v.address + -16 end local values_2 = gg.getValues(results) function ModAPet() local P = gg.prompt({"πŸ„ΈπŸ„½πŸ…‚πŸ„΄πŸ…πŸ…ƒ πŸ„ΈπŸ„³ πŸ……πŸ„°πŸ„»πŸ…„πŸ„΄πŸ…‚\n ‒━━━ ✽ β€’ ✽ ━━━‒\n\nSKILL - 1","SKILL - 2","SKILL - 3"},{"9014","6014","13618"},{"number","number","number"}) gg.clearResults() gg.loadResults(gg.getListItems()) gg.refineNumber(IDAP, gg.TYPE_DWORD) local count = gg.getResultsCount() local results = gg.getResults(count) local values = {} for i, v in ipairs(results) do local index = (i - 1) * 4 local addr = v.address values[index + 1] = {address = addr + 48, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD, value = P[1], freeze = true} values[index + 2] = {address = addr + 64, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD, value = P[2], freeze = true} values[index + 3] = {address = addr + 80, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD, value = P[3], freeze = true} values[index + 4] = {address = addr + 96, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD, value = "0", freeze = true} end gg.setValues(values) gg.addListItems(values) end local mapping = { [10111]={name_1 ="Jock 2219816", name_2 ="Jock 6", IDAP = "10111", func = ModAPet}, [10112]={name_1 ="Mick 2219816", name_2 ="Mick 6", IDAP = "10112", func = ModAPet}, [10113]={name_1 ="Key 2219816", name_2 ="Key 6", IDAP = "10113", func = ModAPet}, [10114]={name_1 ="Jonseen 2219816", name_2 ="Jonseen 6", IDAP = "10114", func = ModAPet}, [10115]={name_1 ="Brickey 2219816", name_2 ="Brickey 6", IDAP = "10115", func = ModAPet} } local menuNames = {} local menuFunctions = {} local menuID = {} for i, v in ipairs(values_1) do local item = mapping[v.value] if item ~= nil then table.insert(menuNames, item.name_2) table.insert(menuFunctions, item.func) table.insert(menuID, item.IDAP) end end for i, v in ipairs(values_1) do local item = mapping[v.value] if item ~= nil then table.insert(menuNames, item.name_1) table.insert(menuFunctions, item.func) table.insert(menuID, item.IDAP) end end for i, v in ipairs(values_2) do local item = mapping[v.value] if item ~= nil then table.insert(menuNames, item.name_2) table.insert(menuFunctions, item.func) table.insert(menuID, item.IDAP) end end local choice = gg.choice(menuNames) if choice ~= nil then menuFunctions[choice]() end @CmP For example, the menu above is menu A and I have another menu B, can I transfer the data of menu A to menu B? only the data selected in menu A will appear in menu B!
  14. @CmP is it possible to add a search value to the name? i searched with 2219816;6::25 if 2219816 and v.address = v.address + -16 the value is 10111 then name ="Jock 2219816" Or if 6 and v.address = v.address + -16 the value is 10111 then name = "Jock 6" Can you do that?
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