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RealWanteD last won the day on August 21 2023

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Community Answers

  1. Use fake lib dumper
  2. Can someone tell me what program is this?
  3. I do this trick sometimes, and it's much fun to find them by this way (for me) sometimes i find some crazy stuff.
  4. View File Crash Drive 2 Script Simple script, for a simple fun game Game: Crash Drive 2 Game version: 3.90 architectures : 32 bit Features: Money hack Nitro hack Max level Unlock all maps Submitter RealWanteD Submitted 12/06/2022 Category LUA scripts  
  5. Version 1.0


    Simple script, for a simple fun game Game: Crash Drive 2 Game version: 3.90 architectures : 32 bit Features: Money hack Nitro hack Max level Unlock all maps
  6. Really? I got 8 rams, i tested it out, its actually freeze and crash while im having a device with 8 rams
  7. 0x... That's not even offset, its the address value V2 is the best, doesn't work for you? Ah i see, same thing happens with me too, dunno why
  8. No problem bro, and no need to apologize Im still learning, and trying my best to help anyone
  9. Try this, no value freezing s.lua
  10. It's!! I restarted the game 5 times and checked worked fine before i post the script, but now it doesn't tf
  11. I made a script for you You can watch @Platonic tutorial Let me know if it worked for you pontr.lua
  12. What is the class name + field offset
  13. Encrypted value ? You can use pointer for that See this tutorial Here From the boss @Platonic
  14. This is how to dump any game with game guardian You only need 1 lib to dump -> libil2cpp.so Good luck InShot_20221027_111953229.mp4 dump.cs DummyDll.zip dumper.apk
  15. RealWanteD

    offset from lib

    I don't understand This: To edit 4(dword),13844..(value) Is this what you meant? Or you want to edit 2 values at the same time? If you want to edit 2 values you simply can do the same thing with offset too! Like this
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