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Everything posted by THETWINSOFFICIAL

  1. Androidide like androidstudio on pc And betten then AIDE https://androidide.com/ https://github.com/AndroidIDEOfficial/AndroidIDE For ndk https://github.com/MrIkso/AndroidIDE-NDK You can buid module like zygisk mod menu or mod menu or zygisk il2cppdumper or etc...
  2. For coin Int32 get_Coins(); // 0x13ec768 //64bit game Set ~A8 MOV W0, #0x500000 ~A8 RET For gems Int32 get_Gems(); // 0x13ea550 For hummer Int32 get_Hammers(); // 0x13ec880 For ads removing Bool get_AdsRemoved(); // 0x13e7d88 For last level Int32 get_LastReachedLevel(); // 0x13ecab0
  3. Mod menu use hook better then hexpatch for bool bool (*old_exaample)(void*instance); bool exaample(void*instance){ if(instance!=nullptr){ return true; // true or false } return old_exaample(instance); } For int int (*........) int ..... return 99999; ...... for void void (*.....) void ....... return; .......
  4. Gameplay: Telegram: @sylviaweisofficial


    Check section download -> tool Check script
  6. If have stardetection that have too stopdetection Just called stopdetection (no need A8 Ret )
  7. https://discord.com/channels/1159056665493110806/1169946136111501432/1169998192876728371
  8. That protection you must find detected and remove or bypass that game And for how ? Idk , search any forum any website any youtube about that
  9. Use libautodumper Not work for realphone
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