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  1. New stupid user with idiot question.
  2. Lord-King


    Look at video tutorial. Do you really think I'm user of Photoshop but sorry I don't enough talent to edit my video.
  3. Lord-King


    You always saying I used Photoshop then what are you saying he is my second account, I don't want many account. One account is enough. Get out of my post. Don't say anything ***** if you can't hack anything. And about password required this is the way of protecting my hack-script. [added 1 minute later] Security reason *****.
  4. Lord-King


    @Wisteria is the proof my hack-script fully works.
  5. Lord-King


    HAHAHA. You're right. I remember that.
  6. Lord-King


    My video tutorial isn't edited or anything magic. Don't be rude because you can't hack. I'm good user who good to me. That's why I can't be release my full-hack-script.
  7. Lord-King


    I planned to share my full hack-script but negative feedback on my profile it means you all didn't trust me. So I stop uploading any hack-script to public.
  8. Please enter correctly. Double check if can.
  9. Sorry for no response. I'll fix it first that issue just give me a day or days to fix my script. Thanks. Sorry for inconvenience.
  10. Sorry I didn't test yet to play that PVZ3. It is offline or online?
  11. I solved by myself, Thanks by the way master @Enyby
  12. Do you have a script for this master @Enyby?
  13. View File MAJOR MAYHEM 2 | UNLI-AMMO | SPREAD FIRING How hack-script works? Just enter one-time pass-key then follow simple steps. —Enjoy! @Lord-King Watch this video for hack-script tutorial. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/0aWLUO1whZ4 Submitter Lord-King Submitted 05/11/2020 Category LUA scripts  
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