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Posts posted by Pegasus95

  1. 1 hour ago, Jessyd said:

    Ciao scusa, ho bisogno di aiuto, questo accade, quando metti il valore del denaro, contrassegnato come crittografato e cerca con xor, GG vicino, non trova nulla e ha perso il gioco. 

    Screenshot_20191014-112116_Mario Kart.jpg

    Screenshot_20191014-112128_Mario Kart.jpg

    Screenshot_20191014-112133_Mario Kart.jpg

    Screenshot_20191014-112137_Mario Kart.jpg

    Because mario kart does not start on Parallel Space, after entering the account nintendo starts the "original" game, not the one on Parallel, so it does not find the process

  2. 47 minutes ago, bestrobber97 said:

    È diventato 9999999 durante la schermata dei risultati, ma torna al mio valore originale nel menu principale

    Attach a screenshot of how you search

  3. Yes, this I know, but how do I give him a minor value?

    3 hours ago, macdj98 said:

    U got more than 9999 so the game display that since it has just 4 character for the value

    You have to search for coins in XOR format by selecting "encrypted value", narrow the search until you get minimum 7 values (to me it works with 9), select them and change with the number you want, but you'll always get 9999999 ...

    4 hours ago, JoniBoiii said:

    How did you change your coins? Still cant find it.. 😞



  4. I succeeded with the coins getting 99.999.999, but buying item the value remains in variation, as if they were infinite, even with coupons points having at least 7 available, but whatever value I enter the result is always 9999 and does not change.  

    How can I find the xor value to be changed with just one coupon level?  

    How do I change to a smaller figure like you did?  

    On 10/12/2019 at 2:22 PM, NoFear said:


    Takes time to find how everything is stored and debugging it....






  5. Is there a risk that the device's IP as well as the Nintendo account will be banned?  Let me explain, if the account is banned, can I create another account using the same device?

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