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Shinyo last won the day on October 6 2013

Shinyo had the most liked content!

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  • Android

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  1. congrats coop. 你活该
  2. ah i see. I'll take a look first.
  3. still can't open even if i deny it. the only way for me is to bypass it by changing some of the script. just like baseball superstars..
  4. it seems gamevile begins blocking all rooted phones for playing their games. because i can't play any of their games in rooted device. unless we can bypass it. but when i try to play their games in non rooted device, it works normally. does anybody have the same problem?
  5. u r awesome for all the work u have done to give awesome modded dames

  6. Shinyo


    Welcome.. I hope you find something you want here
  7. Hello and welcome to gameguardian
  8. Yep. You must re download the newest version of the game. The modded apk can't be updated automatically, because it's a modded. Check the latest version on play store. Then find the following modded apk with the latest version.
  9. Welcome to gameguardian
  10. Use the hex editor. DaxAttack. It works for baseball Superstars gameville
  11. It will become more complicated. If the apk is really needs to be checked. Then just comment in the apk. And we will check it.
  12. don't believe in surveys. It's a fake.
  13. Welcome to GG.
  14. Shinyo


    In the Android apk. Click upload file
  15. Shinyo


    Hello and welcome
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